AEW Dynamite May 11
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (5/11/22): Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Begins

FTW Championship: Ricky Starks (c) vs. Jungle Boy

Starks and Jungle Boy feel each other out early on. They match each other step for step in the opening minutes. Starks showcases his athleticism with an arm drag and a kip-up. Jungle Boy hits the same sequence and sends the champion to the outside with a dropkick. The bout spills out of the ring for a minute. Starks drops Jungle Boy with a Stun Gun and takes control. The champion slams Jungle Boy with a suplex and grounds him. Jungle Boy rallies and floors Starks with a clothesline. A tornado DDT earns Jungle Boy a two count. Starks gets a two count with a backslide. Jungle Boy stuns Starks with a superkick for a two count. Starks gets a near fall with a Spear. Jungle Boy locks in the Snare Trap, but the champion reaches the ropes. Swerve Strickland comes to ringside and distracts the referee. While the official is distracted, Jungle Boy rolls up Starks for what should have been a three count. Starks capitalizes and hits the Roshambo for the win.

Winner and still FTW Champion: Ricky Starks

Jurassic Express argues with Strickland after the bout. Keith Lee comes to ringside to back up Strickland while he stares down Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs. Christian Cage comforts a disheartened Jungle Boy, and Jurassic Express leaves.

In-Ring Segment: The Jericho Appreciation Society

The JAS comes to the ring. “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard says being in this great faction makes his nipples hard. Jericho calls himself a hometown hero before he says he moved away because the place is a dump. He refers to himself as a wizard and says JAS wins because Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz are gone. He says “Jericho 2:16 says I just burned your face.” Jericho tells Kingston that if he can’t comfort his wife, she should give “The Wizard” a call. Jon Moxley interrupts and comes to the ringside. Jericho tells him to get out of here, but Blackpool Combat Club comes down to back him up. BCC is outnumbered, but Kingston, Santana and Ortiz show up behind JAS. BCC, Kingston and Santana brawl with Jericho’s faction; William Regal gets in on the action and floors Jericho with a punch.

A video package hypes up Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb, the AEW Women’s World Championship match at Double Or Nothing.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal: Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter

Storm and Hayter take the fight to each other right away. The bout is a stalemate early on, as the two women are evenly matched. Storm catches Hayter with a dropkick. Hayter rocks Storm with a big boot and sends her sprawling to the floor. She continues to control the bout, as she slams Hayter head-first into the turnbuckle. Storm rallies, and the two women trade blows. The fan-favorite hits a running hip attack and plants Hayter with a tornado DDT outside the ring. A diving crossbody earns Storm a two count. She drops Hayter with a German suplex, but Jamie slams her hard onto the apron. Storm gets a two count with an inside cradle. She hits the Storm Zero for the victory.

Winner: Toni Storm

Scorpio Sky cuts a promo about his TNT Championship match with Frankie Kazarian. Sammy Guevara interrupts a Kazarian interview and says he can’t trust Sky. Kaz brushes him off by saying that he trusts himself, and that’s all he needs. Guevara says “SCU later.”

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament: Darby Alin (with Sting) vs. Jeff Hardy (with Matt Hardy)

Allin immediately knocks Hardy out of the ring and takes him down with a suicide dive. The former TNT Champion gets some chairs and builds a row of them. Hardy slams Allin onto the steel steps. Allin pushes Hardy into the ring post. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate in the ropes. He gets a ladder and brings it into the ring. Allin briefly gains the upper hand, but Hardy rocks him with a jaw-breaker and hits his signature slingshot kick in the corner. Hardy sets up his really tall ladder in the ring and climbs up to the top. Allin drags him off and crotches him on the ropes. The former TNT Champion goes for a diving Swanton Bomb off the ladder and mostly lands on the chairs.

Allin goes for a Coffin Drop on the apron and comes up empty, as he lands on the apron. Hardy goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Allin moves, so the veteran lands spine-first on the steel steps. Back in the ring, Allin hits the Coffin Drop for a near fall. Hardy turns his kick-out into a crucifix pin for the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

The Undisputed Elite stares down The Hardys after the bout.

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