WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (5/13/22)

Riddle w/Randy Orton vs. Sami Zayn

Riddle immediately traps Zayn in a triangle. Zayn rolls out of the ring to break the hold. Baseballs slide by Riddle. Zayn chokes Riddle on the middle rope. Zayn works over Riddle. Riddle fires back and lands a broton. Riddle goes up top. Zayn pushes Riddle off the top. Riddle crashes into the barricade. After the break, Zayn goes up top. Riddle leaps up top for a Super RKO but Zayn knocks him down to the mat. Zayn dives off the top into a leaping knee strike by Riddle. Zayn kicks out.

After a series of counters, Zayn sticks a Michinoku Driver. Riddle kicks out at 2.9. Zayn tries a hangman’s DDT but Riddle back body drops him out to the floor. Springboard floating bro by Riddle. Riddle lands the hangman’s DDT. Riddle calls for the RKO. Zayn rolls out of the ring. Zayn sends Riddle into the ring post, then over the timekeeper’s area. Riddle beats the count. As Zayn argues with the referee, Riddle surprises him with Bro Derek.

Winner- Riddle

Backstage, Reigns asks Heyman why RK-Bro are on his show. The Usos are tired of being disrespected. They will have words for RK-Bro tonight.

WWE Smackdown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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