WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (6/21/22)

Backstage, Kiana James inturupts Indi Heartwell’s Interview

Edris Enofé w/Malik Blade vs. Cameron Grimes

Grimes takes down Enofé. Enofé gets to his feet. Both men trade takedowns, pin attempts, and submission holds. Neither man can get an advantage, which leads to a stalemate. Grimes runs into a dropkick from Enofé. Leaping ranna by Grimes. Enofé rolls out of the ring. Apron PK by Grimes. Grimes gets a near fall after a high crossbody. Enofé fires up and sends Grimes out of the ring. Topé by Enofé. Enofé misses a 450 but lands on his feet. Side effect by Grimes. Grimes lands the Cave In for the win.

Winner- Cameron Grimes

After the match, Grimes helps Enofé up and shakes his hand.

Von Wagner vs. Brooks Jensen

Wagner eventually hits Jensen with his finish for the win.

Winner- Von Wagner

Alba Fyre vs. Lash Legend

Fyre attacks Legend as soon as the bell rings. Legend cuts her off with a big boot. Suplex by Legend. Legend works over Fyre. Legend hits Fyre with her own bat causing a disqualification.

Winner- Alba Fyre

North American Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) w/Trick Williams vs. Tony D’Angelo w/The D’Angelo Family

After a series of leapfrogs, D’Angelo tries a hip toss but Hayes lands on his feet. This leads to a standoff. Williams gets on the apron. The entire D’Angelo Family stands on the opposite side of the ring. D’Angelo dares Williams to get involved. D’Angelo and hayes lock up. D’Angelo sends Hayes flying with a back body drop. Hayes trips D’Angelo on the apron before staring down the D’Angelo family. D’Angelo pushes Hayes into the ring steps. After the break, D’Angelo is working over Hayes. Hayes surprises D’Angelo with a springboard clothesline. Hayes lights D’Angelo up with a flurry of right hands. Head scissor facebuster by Hayes. D’Angelo kicks out.

D’Angelo counters a kick with an exploder suplex. Hayes kicks out. D’Angelo continues his assault. Hayes surprises D’Angelo with a lung blower! D’Angelo kicks out at 2.9. D’Angelo tackles Hayes and rolls through into a backdrop. D’Angelo crawls to his corner and yells at Escobar. Escobar pulls out a pair of brass knucks. Santos tosses them to Hayes instead of D’Angelo. D’Angelo goes nuts. As the referee is distracted, Hayes decks D’Angelo with the knucks. Hayes pins D’Angelo.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Carmelo Hayes!


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