aew forbidden door

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results (6/26/22): Moxley vs. Tanahashi, IWGP Title Match, More

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm

Rosa and Storm lock up and feel each other out. The two women are evenly matched early on, and they trade pin attempts. Rosa chops Storm, who fires back with a big boot and a suplex. They trade slaps and forearms. The champion catches Storm with a stunner and maintains the advantage. She stomps Storm for a two count and suplexes her on the floor. Storm sends Rosa crashing to the floor and suplexes her onto the apron. She plants Rosa with a DDT onto the floor.

Storm DDTs Rosa again, but the champion hits a Death Valley Driver. She hits the Fire Thunder Driver for a two count. Rosa kicks Storm’s arm, but the challenger suplexes her again. Rosa counters the Storm Zero and hits the Final Reckoning for the win.

Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Thunder Rosa

IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship: Will Ospreay (with Aussie Open) (c) vs. Orange Cassidy

Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets and matches Ospreay step for step. He gives the champion a thumbs up and drops him with a headscissors takedown. Ospreay rocks Orange with a big boot and blasts him with a kick at ringside. Ospreay does some sit-ups and drops Cassidy with a spinning back-breaker. He slams “Freshly Squeezed” into the corner and flips him off while he locks in an abdominal stretch.

Cassidy rallies and hits a crossbody. Ospreay drops Cassidy with a spinning kick. Ospreay kicks his face and taunts. Cassidy fires up and puts his hands in his pockets. He catches Ospreay with a dropkick. “Freshly Squeezed” does a kip-up and “kicks” Ospreay. Orange blasts him with a superkick. He dodges the Os-cutter and gets a two count on a bridging pin. Cassidy hits the Stun-dog Millionaire and spikes Ospreay with a DDT.

Aussie Open grabs Orange, and he dives onto them. A diving DDT earns Cassidy a two count. Ospreay catches Cassidy with a Spanish Fly. Cassidy slams Ospreay head-first into the camera on the ring post. “Freshly Squeezed” gets on the mat, playing possum, and Ospreay dives onto him. Cassidy gets a two count with a roll-up and gets a near fall with the Beach Break. Ospreay hits the Os-cutter for a near fall. The champion blocks the Orange Punch and hits a running elbow to the head. He then hits the Stormbreaker for the win.

Winner and still IWGP United States Champion: Will Ospreay

Juice Robinson, who still has the title, poses from the sky box. Ospreay and Aussie Open attack Cassidy, but Roppongi Vice tries to make the save. Aussie Open sends them out of the ring, but Katsuyori Shibata comes to the ring. He drops Davis with a kick and nails Ospreay with another one. He chokes Ospreay until Aussie Open drags the champion away. Cassidy gives Shibata his sunglasses and a thumbs up.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Bryan Danielson’s Hand-Picked Replacement

Danielson’s replacement will be the newest member of Blackpool Combat Club, and it turns out to be Claudio Castagnoli, the former Cesaro.

Claudio takes the fight to ZSJ and gets an immediate two count with a Neutralizer. He drills Sabre Jr. with some uppercuts at ringside. Sabre Jr. snaps his arm over the ropes, but Castagnoli rocks him with a boot. ZSJ stretches Claudio’s leg in the ropes and bends it over the apron. Sabre Jr. stomps Castagnoli’s arm and mocks his taunt.

He keeps attacking Castaganoli’s arm. Claudio rallies and hits two back-breakers. He drills ZSJ with an uppercut. Claudio tries to powerbomb his way out of an arm-bar, but both men go over the ropes while the hold is still locked in. Claudio walks up the steps while lifting Sabre Jr. with one arm. Sabre Jr. reverses the Swing and locks in an Octopus hold. Claudio hits a gutwrench slam off the middle rope. ZSJ avoids the Swing again.

Claudio nails Sabre Jr. with a European uppercut. He does the Swing, but his hurt arm shortens the duration. Sabre Jr. locks in a heel hook, but Claudio powers out and locks in a Sharpshooter. He stomps Sabre Jr. for a two count. ZSJ locks in a sleeper hold and transitions to an arm-bar. Sabre Jr. kicks Claudio, but the newcomer floors him with a lariat. Claudio hits an uppercut, a clothesline and a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jay White (c) (with Gedo) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. Hangman Page vs. Adam Cole

Cole quickly leaves the ring, as does White, so Okada and Page are left on their own. Cole drags Page out of the ring, and White takes the fight to Okada. White and Cole try to strategize at ringside, but their opponents attack them. White suplexes Okada onto the apron. The fight spills up the ramp. Cole and White suplex Page onto the ramp and take him out of the equation for a minute.

Page slams White into the steps. Cole and White continue to double-team Okada. Page fights them off and hits a springbord clothesline on White. Cole superkicks Page in mid-air. Okada rallies and drops White with a flapjack. He kicks Cole off the top rope and takes control. Okada dives over the barricade and takes White and Cole down with a crossbody.

Page enters the action with a flurry of offense. White and Cole Too Sweet each other, and Cole stabs him in the back by hitting him with a backstabber. White dodges the Boom and slams Cole. He dumps Okada on his head with suplex. Cole drops him with the Boom. All four men are down after Page clotheslines Okada. They get up and trade blows.

Page powerbombs White for a two count. Hangman dives onto Okada and Cole at ringside. Gedo distracts him, and the interference helps White dodge the Buckshot Lariat. Page still hits the Deadeye and rocks White with the Buckshot Lariat, but Okada breaks up the pin. Page and Okada trade blows. Hangman suplexes him and drops him with a clothesline. Cole slams Page into the ring post. Okada hits an over-the-knee Air Raid Crasj on Cole. Two superkicks floor Okada and Page. Cole superkicks Page. White sneaks in and hits the Blade Runner. He then abruptly pins Cole.

Winner and still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Jay White

After the match, White walks right by the Undisputed Elite. Doctors check on Cole, who seemingly suffered an injury. Cole walks out of the ring on his own power.

Interim AEW World Championship: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jon Moxley

Tanahashi and Moxley feel each other out early on, and they’re evenly matched. The NJPW takes Moxley down with a dragon screw. The former AEW World Champion hits a cutter. They trade blows, and Moxley throws Tanahashi off the second rope. He hits a piledriver for a two count. “The Purveyor of Violence” locks in a cloverleaf and transitions to a modified STF until Tanahashi reaches the ropes.

Tanahashi hits a senton, but Moxley clotheslines him over the ropes. The brawl spills to the outside, and Moxley slams Tanahashi through a table. Moxley kicks Tanahashi, and blocks a dragon screw before he goes for an arm-bar. Tanahashi gains the upper hand, and Moxley is busted open. Tanahashi dives onto Moxley outside the ring. “The Ace” takes control with a flurry of offense, inclusing a dive off the top. Moxley, bleeding like a stuck pig, locks in the Bulldog Choke.

Tanahashi stacks Moxley up for a two count. They trade blows, and Moxley drills Tanahashi with a lariat. Moxley locks in another choke and transitions to a sleeper hold. He hits the Death Rider for the win.

Winner and Interim AEW World Champion: Jon Moxley

Moxley shows his respect for Tanahashi after the match. Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia attack the duo, but Eddie Kingston tries to make the save. Santana, Ortiz, and Wheeler Yuta come to the ring to join the fight, as does the rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society. Castagnoli runs down to the ring and takes the fight to Jericho. He dishes out uppercuts and swings Angelo Parker. Claudio stands tall with Moxley and his new teammates to close the show, though Eddie Kingston has some heated words for the newcomer.

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