the rock
Photo by Daniel Knighton/Getty Images

The Rock Is Cool With Pineapple On Pizza, Unsure If He’d Make A Good Presidential Candidate

The Rock‘s politicial aspirations and place in the White House has been a hotly debated topic for several years, but he’s not so sure if he’d be a great leader for the United States.

Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart appeared on LAD Bible’s “Agree To Disagree” and weighed in on The Great One’s chances at running for office in the future. Hart shared a funny response to why he wants to see Johnson as President. Johnson then noted that he might have good leadership qualities, but it doesn’t automatically make him a good President.

Hart: “You know why I said it? I said it because I wanna see the crash and burn, baby.”

Rock: “So you wanna get me in the White House just so I can crash and burn?”

Hart: “Just so you can stress yourself out. Jesus, I just wanna see you do this [rubs his head] 13 times. ‘Ugh, I’m so sick of these people.’ I think he is more than capable of doing whatever he puts his mind to. That’s why I’m over on that side.”

Rock: “Wow, thank you. Thank you very much. I said disagree because I feel that just because I have a few leadership doesn’t make me necessarily a good presidential candidate.”

Hart: “I love that you are thinking like that, but I’m just saying you are a put-your-mind-to-something-accomplish guy. I personally would give you a call before you started like, ‘Hey man, you sure you wanna do this? It’s been good, man. You’ve had a good run. You don’t gotta do this, man.’ If you chose to do it, alright.

Rock: “Life is good.”

The pair then covered another hot topic — pineapple on pizza. Johnson said he’s on board with the pizza topping, but Hart shared his disgust at the idea.

Rock: “What? Come on, it’s amazing.”

Hart: “It’s disgusting. No.”

Rock: “Listen, pineapple mixed with ham or mixed with bacon on pizza is f-ckin’ cool.”

Hart: “Oh my god, why don’t you just give me a bucket now so I can barf in it. [Asked what he doesn’t like about it] What do you mean, what don’t I like about it? Pineapple is a fruit. It’s a fruit that should be eaten by itself.”

Rock: “Oh I’m sorry, all of a sudden there’s rules on pizza?

Hart: “Yes. I didn’t know that you could mix pineapple with cheese and enjoy it. That’s disgusting. [asked what he likes on his pizza] How about just some cheese? Just cheese and a little tomato with the sauce. Yes, that’s it.”

Rock: “No.”

Hart: “I don’t want anything else on it.”

Rock: “It’s called a Hawaiian.

Hart: “Oh I get it. I see what’s happening. No, it’s bad.

Rock: “When you got freaky with your lady way back in the day, did you not put cheese on the nipples?”

Hart: “No, I didn’t.”

Rock: “You told me you did.”

Hart: “That was in confidence!”


Read More: The Rock Surprises Family With A New Puppy At ‘DC League of Super-Pets’ Screening


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