nwa 74 results night one

NWA 74 Results (Night Two) – World Title Match, Kamille vs. Max The Impaler

Magic Jake Dumas (with CJ) vs. Mercurio

Mercurio crushes up a card when Dumas tries to do some magic. He shows his book to Dumas, who sends it flying with a throw. The two men go for low blows, but they block each other. The pace picks up, and Mercurio chops Dumas in the corner. Dumas gets a two count with a suplex. They punch each other in the face. Mercurio drills Dumas with a superkick. He hits a moonsault for a two count. CJ gives something to Magic Jakea and distracts Mercurio at ringside. Dumas takes a razorblade out of his mouth and goes to use it on Mercurio, but the referee stops him. Still, he slams Mercurio with an Abra Cadabra for the win.

Winner: Magic Jake Dumas

MLW National Openweight Championship: Davey Richards (c) vs. Thrillbilly Silas (with Pollo Del Mar)

Richards and Silas feel each other out. Silas sends Richards to the outside as he overpowers the champion early on. He whips Richards into the guardrail. The challenger dumps Richards on his head with a suplex. Richards rallies and targets Silas’ leg. He hits a dragon screw in the ropes and howls as a tribute to the American Wolves. He wrenches Silas’ legs and locks in a knee-bar, but Silas reaches the ropes. The challenger spins Richards around and slams him to the mat. Richards takes Silas down and traps him in an ankle lock. He blasts him in the face with a kick. Richards hits several more kicks and nails a diving stomp for a two count. Pollo gets on the apron, and Richards refuses to hit her. Silas almost collides into them and accidentally takes their wig off. Richards capitalizes by rolling Silas up and making him tap out to an ankle lock.

Winner and still MLW National Openweight Champion: Davey Richards

Joe Galli gets in the ring and talks about how much he loves wrestling. He wants to share an important moment with the fans and thanks Billy Corgan for allowing him to do. Galli asks the love of his life, Shelby, to come into the ring. He says he’s in love with her, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Galli asks her to marry him, and she says yes.

JJ Dillon and Barry Windham come to the ring and discuss the NWA’s history.

Backstsage, Kamille and Thom Latimer are standing by for an interview with May Valentine. Latimer welcomes EC3 to the NWA and says their match boils down to the two of them. It comes down to the best man winning, and he says that’ll be him. Kamille addresses her match with Max The Impaler tonight and notes that she’s beat up after her match last night. She says Max has the devil in them, and she’s going to “beat the s—-” out of that devil tonight.

NWA National Heavyweight Championship: Cyon (c) (with Austin Idol) vs. Anthony Mayweather

Jax Dane comes to the stage and pulls up a chair to watch the match. Mayweather takes the fight to Cyon and suplexes him. Cyon fires back with some strikes, but Mayweather suplexes him. Cyon suplexes the challenger and whips him hard into the corner. Cyon grounds Mayweather and clubs him with some elbows. Mayweather rallies with a stiff clotheline. Mayweather takes charge and sends Cyon to the outside with another clothesline. He drops the champion with a spinebuster. Mayweather gets a two count with a diving elbow drop. Cyon hits two Death Valley Drivers for the win.

Winner and still NWA National Heavyweight Champion: Cyon

Street Fight for the NWA Women’s Tag Team Championships:  Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy & Kenzie Paige) (c) vs. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle)

The Hex come to the ring carrying some weapons. They throw a trashcan at the champions before they even enter the ring to kickstart the match. Kay rings the bell on top of Envy’s head. She slams her into some chairs at ringside. Back in the ring, Kay hits both of the champions with a kendo stick. Belle gets a chair and sets it up in the corner, as does Kay. The champions dropkick The Hex into the chairs. Paige kicks the chair onto Belle. Kay’s arm gets tied to the tag rope, so Pretty Empowered gang up on Belle. Kay escapes, but she gets blasted with a kendo stick to the back. Kay spits in Envy’s face. The two teams are battling back and forth. The champions get a table and set it up. Paige kicks a steel sheet into Kay’s face. Kay slams Paige onto some Legos. Envy throws a trash can at Kay, sending her crashing off the top rope and through the table at ringside.

Paige repeatedly hits Belle with a kendo stick. The champions kick her while a trash can is on top of her head for the win.

Winner and still NWA Women’s Tag Team Champions:  Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy & Kenzie Paige)

Pretty Empowered attack Belle after the bout.

NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship: Homicide (c) vs. Ricky Morton

Homicide and Morton square off. He drives the challenger back into the corner. Morton punches him and fires away with more punches in the corner. Homicide gets the ring bell but decides against using it. Morton punches him again. Homicide drives the challenger throat-first into ropes. He fish-hooks Morton’s mouth and rakes his back. Morton suplexes the champion and drops him with a DDT. Morton evades the Code Red and hits a DDT for a two count. Homicide gouges Morton’s eyes, hits him in the back of the head and pins him for the win.

Winner and still NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion: Homicide

Kerry Morton runs to the ring to check on his dad.

Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon

Gordon charges Aldis with a dropkick and gets an early two count with a roll-up. Aldis sends him flying with a back drop. He drops Flip with a clothesline and plants him with a brainbuster. Aldis hits an avalanche fallaway slam. Gordon rallies with a dropkick and a European uppercut. He hits a diving slingblade. Gordon blasts Aldis with a superkick. Gordon hits a sunset flip powerbomb off the second rope. Aldis drills him with a clothesline. Gordon rallies again and slams Aldis with a torture rack drop. He nails a moonsault and locks in the Submit to Flip. Aldis catches an attempted tiger feint kick and locks in the Cloverleaf. Gordon taps out.

Winner: Nick Aldis

The two men shake hands after the match. After Aldis leaves, Odinson sneaks in and levels Gordon from behind. Aldis comes back to the ring, and Odinson attacks him too.

NWA 74 Night 2 Results Continue On The Next Page!