AEW Dynamite 9 14
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (9/14): World Title Tournament Continues

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Matt DiMartino

Hobbs quickly beats DiMartino with a spinebuster.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs gets a mic and says he spent months by Ricky Starks’ side, but it only took a few minutes to beat him. He says it’s time to start a new chapter in the Book of Hobbs. Starks comes through the crowd, brawls with Hobbs, and hits him with a microphone.

A video package hypes up the tag team title match between the Lucha Brothers and Swerve in our Glory.

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Swerve in our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland) (c) vs. The Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix and Penta Oscuro) (with Alex Abrahantes)

Penta and Swerve start the bout. The challengers double-team Strickland. He rallies and tags Lee. Fenix trades blows with Lee, and the big man overpowers him. The Lucha Brothers double-team Lee. Fenix battles Strickland on the outside. Penta gains the upper hand, and the former champions double-team Lee. Lee uses his size and strength to take control and tag Strickland. He wrenches Fenix over his back in a painful submission. He stops Fenix from tagging Penta, but a superkick gives the masked man enough room to tag his partner. Penta clears house with a flurry of offense. Lee throws Fenix into a pin to break it up. Lee drops Fenix with a backbreaker. Penta breaks up an attempt at the Swerve Stomp. Penta drops Lee with a destroyer for a two count. Lee slams Penta to the mat for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Swerve in our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland)

The Acclaimed come to the ramp, and Max Caster says the uncrowned champions will win the gold next week.

In an interview, PAC reminds everyone who Death Triangle is, as he demands respect. Orange Cassidy blindsides him with a punch and says he won’t be a double champion for long.

In a promo, Toni Storm and Athena preview their tag team match with Britt Baker and Serena Deeb.

Toni Storm and Athena vs. Britt Baker and Serena Deeb

The broadcast team notes that Baker hasn’t talked to Jamie Hayter since AEW All Out. Deeb and Storm lock up and feel each other out. The AEW Interim Women’s World Champion gains the upper hand. Athena tags in and drops Deeb with a kick to the face. Deeb gains the upper hand and targets Athena’s leg. She grounds her and continues to hone in on the leg. Baker tags in and maintains the advantage. She dumps Athena with a suplex and tags Deeb, who takes the fight to the fan-favorite. Athena rallies and tags Storm right when Deeb tags Baker. Storm takes control with a flurry of offense. She drops Baker with a DDT on the floor. Baker hits Storm with a slingblade. Athena and Deeb trade strikes, and “The Professor” catches Athena in an arm-bar. Athena lifts Deeb to break the hold. Storm tags in and hits a diving cross body. Deeb rolls through and locks in a single crab. Baker blasts Athena and Storm with superkicks. Baker slams Athena into the steel steps.

Rebel distracts the referee. Deeb slams Storm head-first into a chair and rolls her up for the win.

WinnersBritt Baker and Serena Deeb

Athena attacks the winners after the match. Baker and Deeb gain the upper hand, and Jamie Hayter runs to the ring. She hits Storm with a chair and exchanges heated words with Baker.

AEW Grand Slam Tournament of Champions: Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho 

Danielson takes the fight to Jericho and kicks him in the corner. They trade chops. Danielson gains the upper hand and sends Jericho to the outside. Daniel Garcia is shown watching backstage. Danielson hits a running knee off the apron. He targets Jericho’s arm and hits a missile dropkick. Jericho rallies with a German suplex. He takes control, and the two men trade blows. They’re both down after a mid-air collision when they both go for a crossbody. Jericho slams Danielson’s head into the mat. Danielson gains breathing room by dodging a charging Jericho, sending him shoulder-first into the ring post. Danielson dodges the Judas Effect and gets a two count with a German suplex.

He locks in the Cattle Mutilation, but Jericho escapes. Jericho drills Danielson with elbows, but “The American Dragon” no-sells them when he spots the ringside. Danielson hits the running knee, and both men are down. They trade blows, and Danielson goes down hard as he seemingly hurts his ankle. The ringside doctor checks on him, but Jericho grabs the ankle and slams it on the floor. Jericho locks in a Figure-Four through the ring post. Back in the ring, he drops Danielson with a knee-breaker. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho before he transitions to a single crab. Danielson escapes and rolls up Jericho for a two count. Jericho locks in a Figure-Four, but Danielson gets out of it. He traps Jericho in the LeBell Lock and makes Jericho tap out.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Jon Moxley, the man Danielson will face for the title next week, comes to the ring. The Blackpool Combat Club stablemates stare each other down and shake hands.

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