WWE NXT Results
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Results (11/22/22)

Backstage, Pretty Deadly asks Hudson and when he is going to stop being a stooge for Chase U. Hudson attacks both members of Pretty Deadly. They are eventually separated by a bunch of referees.

Ivy Nile w/Tatum Paxley vs. Kiana James

James works a side headlock. Nile counters with a hip toss into an arm bar. James spins out and takes Nile down. Nile rolls away. James traps Nile in a full nelson. Nile counters with a sunset flip. James kicks out. James drives her knee into Nile back before slamming her face into the mat. Canadian backbreaker by James. Nile kicks out. James works over Nile. Nile fires up and traps James in her modified dragon sleeper. James taps out. Falon Henley hits the ring and attacks James.

Winner- Ivy Nile

After the match, The Creed Brothers challenge Indus Sher to a match at Deadline. Nile isn’t happy.

Backstage, Hudson tells Chase that he got them a tag team title match tonight.

Scrypts vs. Guru Raaj

Scrypts flips all over the ring. Raj can’t get in a bit of offense without Scrypts flipping out of it. Scrypts flattens Raj with a front flip Molly-Go-Round for the win.

Winner- Scrypts

Backstage, Trick Williams says Wes Lee’s story ends tonight. He can’t wait for Hayes to be announced as the three-time North American Champion. Lee walks in and tricks… Trick into agreeing to stay away from ringside during the title match tonight.

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