WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (12/6/22)

In the trainer’s room, Ivy Nile tells the doctor to check Julius’ ribs. Brutus and Julius protest. After checking, the doctor tells Julius he can’t clear him to compete. When Brutus asks Nile what gives, she says she is protecting her brothers.

Bryson Montana vs. Javier Bernal

Before Bernal enters, Sanga emerges and crushes Montana in the corner. Chokeslam by Sanga. Bernal notices who is in the ring, fakes a hammy, and walks away. Veer grabs a mic and says they won’t fight the Creeds unless they are 100%. They respectfully decline the Creed’s challenge. They will wait…  but not forever. The Creeds try to rush the ring, but several officials and referees hold them back.

No Contest

Backstage, Hail is static that she has a match tonight against Isla Dawn. Hudson tells her she shouldn’t take the match. Chase says she can do it. Hudson questions Chase’s decision. Chase goes off on Hudson and says he says what he said.

Tony D’Angelo w/Stacks vs. Xyon Quinn

After a brief back and forth, D’Angelo his a suplex into a uranage for the win.

Winner- Tony D’Angelo

After the match, D’Angelo complains about Wes Lee being the North American Champion. D’Angelo would be champion if it weren’t for Lee’s cheap shot. Lee interrupts. Lee says he has unfinished business with Dijak. Once he’s done with him, D’Angelo can have his shot. D’Angelo says he isn’t waiting in any line. Dijak appears on the ‘Tron and tells D’Angelo to back off. Dijack tells Lee to keep his name out of his mouth. No one can stop him from decimating NXT. Stacks tries to attack Lee, but Lee does a backroll and exits the ring.

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