WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (1/2/23)

Backstage, Austin Theory says Seth Rollins is the past, and he is the now. He proved that last week.

Music City Street Fight: Elias vs. Solo Sikoa

Sikoa pounds Elias. Elias low bridges Sikoa, and he falls out of the ring. Sikoa avoids Elias’ baseball slide. Elias hits Sikoa with a cowbell. Gotta have more of that. Sikoa avoids a shot with a guitar. Elias reverses Sikoa’s whip and sends him into a drum set. Sikoa stumbles to his feet. Elias waylays him with a cymbal. Sikoa is sent flying over the barricade. After the break, Elias hits Sikoa with an electric keyboard. Sikoa responds with a nasty belly-to-belly. Elias dodges a charging Sikoa.

Elias hits Sikoa in the head with a tambourine over and over again. Musician Hardy, who is in the crowd, hands Elias a guitar. As soon as Elias gets in the ring, Sikoa superkicks him. Hardy gets in the ring and hits Sikoa in the back with a guitar. Sikoa shrugs it off and walks down Hardy. Hardy books it out of the ring. Elias surprises Sikoa with a running knee strike. Elias dives off the top into a Samoan Spike from Sikoa. Sikoa hits Spinning Solo off the apron onto a piano. Sikoa pins Elias.

Winner- Solo Sikoa

The Usos and Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens and The Street Profits

Before the bell rings, a brawl between everyone breaks out. Dawkins and Jimmy eventually start the match. Dawkins floors Jimmy with a back elbow. Spinning corner splash by Dawkins. Dawkins drops Jimmy with an enziguri. Ford tags in and dropkicks Jimmy. Ford and Dawkins work over Jimmy. Jey kicks Dawkins in the back of the head while the referee is distracted by Jimmy. The Bloodline beats down Dawkins. Dawkins manages to tag in Owens.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/19/22)

Owens clears the ring. Ford is seemingly distracted while out on the apron and doesn’t take Owens’ tag. The Bloodline triple teams Owens. After the break, The Bloodline is taking turns working over Owens. Ford is still looking towards the stage. Owens tags Ford in by slapping him on the chest. That wakes Ford up. Ford lands a crossbody on both Zayn and Jimmy. Ford clears the ring. Ford crushes Zayn with a frog splash. Jey breaks up the pin. Ford lands his Superman dive. Dawkins pounces Jimmy into the barricade. Zayn lands the Helluva Kick for the win.

Winners- The Bloodline

After the match, Zayn and co are working over Owens and The Street Profits. Drew McIntrye and Sheamus jump the barricade and make the save.

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