WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (1/16/23)

Backstage, Byron Saxton is in front of Adam Pearce’s office. Saxton reports that it’s been a revolving door of superstars making their case for the Royal Rumble. Elias walks in as MVP walks out of Pearce’s office. After an argument, MVP says Elias can have a match with the man he just got a spot in the Rumble, the man who is going to win it. Elias agrees.

The Street Profits vs. Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin

Dawkins and Benjamin start the match. Benjamin knocks Ford off the apron before blasting Dawkins with a German suplex for a near fall.  Alexander and Benjamin work over Dawkins in the corner. Dawkins decks Benjamin and tags in Ford. Crossbody by Ford. Ford sends Alexander out to the apron. Alexander tries to German suplex Ford off the apron. Ford hooks the ropes.

Ford charges in and gets an STO on the apron for his troubles. MVP slowly walks to the ringside area. After the break, Ford manages to tag in Dawkins. Dawkins clears the ring. Dawkins hits the Anointment. Frog Splash by Ford. Alexander breaks up the pin. Benjamin escapes a Doomsday Device after Alexander chop blocks Dawkins.

Benjamin suplexes Ford off the top. Dawkins breaks up the pin. Alexander, Ford, and Benjamin end up outside the ring. Dawkins lands a dive. MVP distracts the referee while Alexander and Benjamin hit their finish. Alexander pins Dawkins, but Dawkins reverses it into his own pin for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits


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