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IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 29, 2023

IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 29, 2023

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of IMPACT Wrestling!

The show kicks off with a recap of last week. We send it to the ring in Atlanta for an Against All Odds rematch.

X-Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs. Trey Miguel

Lock up to start. Trey twists Sabin’s arm before Sabin slips out and backs to the corner. Lock up again, they fall to the ramp and then out of the ring while tangled up. Once apart, they shove each other and then start trading blows on the floor. Sabin is rolled back in, but he then trips Trey off the apron and chops away. Trey kicks Sabin and they go back inside where Sabin levels him with a clothesline. Sabin drops Trey with a suplex, cover. Sabin kicks Trey and covers again. 

Trey takes control and unloads with punches. Sabin gets to his feet only to meet a back elbow, Trey covers. Trey drops Sabin to his knee and covers again. Sabin catches Trey with a knee to the gut followed by a clothesline. Sabin boots him in the corner and then connects with a big superplex. Trey counters a Cradle Shock and unloads with a flurry of offense, cover. Sabin drives Trey’s knees into the canvas and then dropkicks the left knee. 

Sabin applies a crossface, but Trey reaches the bottom rope. Trey catches Sabin with a kick in the ropes and then hits a hurricanrana. Trey goes up and hits a meteora, but Sabin immediatelt counters into a cross face. Sabin lifts Trey up for Cradle Shock when a returning Zachary Wentz runs in and causes a DQ.

Winner: Chris Sabin (c) by DQ

Trey and Wentz hug and then double team Sabin with stomps until Alex Shelley chases them off.

After the break, Trey says it’s been three years since The Rascalz have been in Impact. Trey says his focus is no longer on the X-Division title. Wentz says he went through hell while he was gone and was abandoned by fans. He says no more tree house, just brothers. They’re after the tag titles.

Deonna Purrazzo joins commentary for the next bout.

Trinity vs. Jai Vidal

Jai gets chased out of the ring to start. He gets back in and attacks Trinity from behind before slapping her across the face in the corner. Trinity comes back with a dropkick and slap across the face of her own. She chokes him briefly before gyrating and kicking him out of the corner. Jai is repulsed while talking to Evans, who pulls him out. Trinity dropkicks him into Evans and the barricade. Shaw distracts the ref while Evans and Vidal double team Trinity on the other side.

Jai attempts a cover and then gloats. Trinity throws hands but then gets yanked by her hair. Vidal hits an elbow drop, cover. Trinity tries a sunset pin out of the corner. She hits a clothesline and back elbow before a kick off the ropes, cover. Trinity connects with a crossbody off the top. Evans gets on the apron but Trinity manages to drive Jai into the mat before applying Starstruck for the win.

Winner: Trinity

Shaw and Evans team up on Trinity. Purrazzo leaves commentary and surveys the situation before making the save. The heels retreat while Trinity and Deonna stare each other down.

Backstage, Brian Myers confronts Moose and hypes him up ahead of their tag title match at Slammiversary. Moose tells Myers to ditch the dead weight in The Good Hands.

We see footage of Johnny Swinger beating Bhupinder Gujjar on BTI with Zicky Dice serving as the ref. Backstage, Swinger asks Dice to put 1-0 on his record. Another ref walks up and says he spoke to Santino. Because of Dice’s actions, the win doesn’t count.

Lio Rush vs. Jack Price

Rush stretches in the corner before going for a handshake only to slap him. Rush runs around but then his crossbody gets caught. Rush moves super quickly to dodge Price before striking him. Rush takes Price to the corner and then heel kicks him off the apron. Rush slides out and gets hit with a right hand on the floor. Rush escapes a powerbomb and swings around the ring post to avoid him. On the other side, Rush dives out onto Price. Back inside, Rush kicks Price. He goes up top and connects with The Final Hour splash for the win.

Winner: Lio Rush

Dirty Dango cuts a promo outside about how Jim Cornette once slapped Santino Marella backstage. He talks about Santino’s daughter now being in the business and questions if she’s getting slapped around now. Santino responds and says Dango is out of his mind. This is supposed to be his post-in-ring career, but now he’s going to show him his grappling skills in Windsor. Santino says he will make Dango pay.

We see a replay of Bully and Maclin beating Edwards and Kazarian last week. Eddie and Alisha are discussing the mishap when Kazarian walks up. He wants some answers. Their beef is far from over.

KiLynn King vs. Masha Slamovich

The action starts quick as Masha whips King around by her hair after King charged to start. Masha goes for a dive, but King cuts her off in the ropes. King unloads with punches while on the floor. Back inside, King stomps on Masha in the corner. Taylor Wilde then pulls on Masha but the ref catches her. King lifts Masha, but Masha rolls through and stomps on her stomach. King clobbers her with a big clothesline, cover. 

They trade blows until Masha gets flipped, but she lands on her feet and instead plants King with a suplex. Both women work their way back up while the ref counts. Masha boots King out of the corner and then hits a rising knee strike followed by a boot. Masha hits a spin kick, cover for one. King throws a right hand and chokes Masha, tossing her into the corner for a back elbow. King drops Masha with a DVD, cover. They trade more strikes in the middle of the ring.

Masha hits a spinning back fist and kick across the face, cover. Wilde hypes up King, allowing King to punch Masha to the floor. King slides out and eats a kick. Masha flies out to flatten King. King is rolled back in, but Wilde takes Masha down while the ref is turned. Masha is tossed back in as Wilde barks orders. Killer Kelly runs down and chokes Wilde with a chain on the ramp. Masha hits King with Snow Plow for the win.

Winner: Masha Slamovich

After the bout, Masha and Kelly meet face to face in a very seductive manner while using the chain.

A vignette airs on Scott D’Amore’s in-ring career. Scott, Dreamer, Shelley, and Sabin all discuss his career and the careers he’s helped as a coach. 

Gia Miller interviews Scott and asks if he’ll be able to pick up his ring work. Scott says he’s as ready as he’ll ever be. He calls Darren McCarty a good guy and questions why they need an enforcer since he doesn’t plan on following the rules. The Good Hands interrupt and say their bad luck started when D’Amore hit Hotch with a Canadian Destroyer. Scott apologizes for their abandonment issues and is only going to compete at Slammiversary. However, he’ll suggest to Santino that Good Hands take on PCO in a 2-on-1 match next week.

Yuya Uemura vs. Kenny King

Lock up to start. Yuya takes King to the mat with a left arm stretch. King backs Yuya to the corner to split. Yuya chops him and then applies a headlock. Yuya hits a hip toss and dropkick to maintain control. King regroups in the corner before doing a cheap shot over the ref’s shoulder. King throws Yuya off from doing a bulldog, running kick to the chest. King stretches Yuya on the mat. Yuya works his way up, but King plants him with a spinebuster, cover.

Yuya reverses a stalling suplex with a DDT. After the break, Yuya throws punches and clobbers King. Yuya goes up top, but King cuts him off. Yuya goes from a crossbody but nobody was home. King tries a spin kick, Yuya evades and delivers forearm shots. King kicks Yuya and hits Royal Flush for the win.

Winner: Kenny King

King and Jean celebrate for a moment before Hendry comes out. Hendry debuts a new song for King that makes fun of him for being a male stripper.

It’s announced that Slammiversary will include a five-way Ultimate X match featuring Jonathan Gresham, Mike Bailey, Kushida, Kevin Knight, and Angels. But first, Angels and Gresham will square off on next week’s episode.

Nick Aldis addresses Alex Shelley

Nick Aldis makes his way out to address his attack on Alex Shelley two weeks ago. Before he dives in, Aldis invites Shelley to come out so he can explain it to his face. Shelley almost gets in the ring when Aldis interrupts and labels him unsafe after he attacked Jimmy Jacobs last week. Aldis invites Shelley to sit with the fans since he’s a man of the people. Shelley takes a seat in the front row.

Aldis explains himself and says Shelley acts like a hero, but he’s a fake revolutionary. As soon as Shelley got his seat at the table, he tried to do everything he could to get rid of guys like Aldis. Aldis promised that Shelley’s transitional reign will be over at Slammiversary when he humiliates and exposes him. Shelley finally tells Aldis to shut up. 

Shelley gets up and Aldis takes off his jacket as the two start brawling at ringside. Shelley gets tossed into the post face-first. Sabin runs down to make the save once Aldis grabbed the world title. Lio Rush then slipped in and attacked Sabin from behind. Rush and Aldis beat up Sabin and Shelley. Aldis strikes Shelley with the world title, while Rush blasts Sabin with the X-Division belt. Aldis and Rush hold up the titles to send a clear message.

RELATED: Alex Shelley Responds To Nick Aldis’ Claim That He Is A Transitional Champion


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