AEW Collision July 1 2023
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW Collision Results (7/1/23): The Owen Hart Cup Tournament Continues, MJF In Action

AEW Collision Results – July 1, 2023

This week’s episode of AEW Collision kicked off with promos from the six men competing in the Men’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament tonight. Just like last week, the promos very much have a Saturday Night’s Main Event vibe to them.

AEW World Champion MJF defeated Kip Morst

  • MJF wins the match in under a minute with the Lebell Lock submission.

MJF cuts a promo following the match and runs down the city of Hamilton and says he’ll defend his title tonight against anyone in the back from this city. An unknown big man comes out to challenge, but he’s cut off by Ethan Page who comes to the ring and asks for a microphone.

MJF tries to tell Page he’s not on his level and Page knocks the microphone out of his and says we aren’t doing this tonight in Hamilton. Page says he’s out there to remind MJF and everyone in the back what he’s capable of.

Ethan Page says he’s not on MJF’s level because he’s not a bare minimum bitch. Page says MJF isn’t his champion, he spoke about everything he does for All Elite Wrestling and says he knows that it will be paid back in due time.

Page tells MJF to be a man and do something for this company and put the title on the line against him. MJF agrees, we have a title match.

MJF defeated Ethan Page to retain the AEW World Championship

  • MJF hits the Heatseeker on Ethan Page to score the pinfall victory and retain his title.

Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Dustin Rhodes in an Owen Hart Cup Tournament match

  • Powerhouse Hobbs hits a second spinebuster on Dustin Rhodes to score the pinfall victory and advances to the semi-finals of the men’s Owen Hart Cup.

A hype package plays for tonight’s main event match between Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong.

Miro defeated Anthony Henry

  • Miro applies the Game on Anthony Henry to win the match via submission.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Bullet Club Gold, which now officially includes The Gunns. Schiavone asks what’s next for Bullet Club Gold, Jay White says he doesn’t like the energy in this place. He starts making up new names for The Gunns like The Golden Gunns and The Topshelf Gunns.

White says Juice Robinson is gonna wipe the floor with Ricky Starks tonight. The Gunns try to explain why they joined Bullet Club Gold and the crowd responded by chanting “ass boys” at them. The Gunns say they are the best tag team in the world.

Schiavone informs Bullet Club Gold that they are barred from ringside for Juice Robinson’s match with Ricky Starks. White gets upset and said Schiavone isn’t allowed to talk anymore. White says he has something to say to CM Punk. White says Punk returned with a goodie in a bag and that’s quite tantalizing to him. He said if that is the AEW World Championship in his bag, he should leave it there.

White and Robinson challenge FTR for the AEW World Tag Team Titles. We go to the Tron where CM Punk, FTR, and Ricky Starks are in the locker room. Punk says if he wants to know what’s in the bag, he can go on ShopAEW and buy a title and call themselves a champion like MJF did.

FTR accepts the challenge of Jay White and Juice Robinson. Dax Harwood says Saturday nights are right for fighting. Starks predicts that without Bullet Club Gold at ringside, he’s going to advance in the Owen Hart Cup tournament tonight.

Ricky Starks defeated Juice Robinson in an Owen Hart Cup Tournament match

  • Ricky Starks hit a spear on Juice Robinson and rolled him up afterward to score the pinfall victory.

Bullet Club Gold surrounds the ring after the match, which brings out CM Punk and FTR to make the save and chase them off.

Christian Cage and Luchasaurus are interviewed backstage. Cage is asked why he has the TNT Championship on his shoulder instead of Luchasaurus, before Cage can give an actual answer he’s interrupted by Shawn Spears.

Spears wants to talk to the champ so Cage says to talk to him. Cage says Spears has never seized on his opportunities and should walk away. Spears says everyone is capable of being dangerous, they just need to meet the right person. He tells Luchasaurus he’ll see him soon before he walks off.

Kris Statlander defeated Lady Frost to retain her TBS Championship

  • Kris Statlander hit Saturday Night Fever on Lady Frost to retain her championship via pinfall.

Andrade El Idolo is interviewed backstage about his recent altercations with The House of Black. El Idolo says he’s here for his mask because The House of Black stole it. He wants them to show their faces. The House of Black appears on the television behind him. Malakai Black tells him to be tranquilo and Andrade flips out.

Four matches are announced for next week’s episode of AEW Collision:

  • FTR vs. Jay White and Juice Robinson in an AEW World Tag Team Title Eliminator match
  • Athena vs. Willow Nightingale in an Owen Hart Cup Tournament match
  • Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks in an Owen Hart Cup Tournament match
  • CM Punk vs. the winner of Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong in an Owen Hart Cup Tournament match

CM Punk comes out to join the commentary team for the main event of the evening.

Ring of Honor World Television Champion Samoa Joe defeated Roderick Strong

  • Roderick Strong went for End of Heartache, but Samoa Joe reversed into a coquina clutch. The referee stopped the match after Strong passed out.

Samoa Joe grabs a steel chair at ringside which brings out security. Joe gets back in the ring and drops Roderick Strong on the chair. Punk gets in the ring to check on Strong as paramedics and Adam Cole rushes out to check on Strong. They stretcher Strong out as AEW Collision goes off the air.

READ MORE: Eddie Kingston: MJF Is Scared To Face Me, I Want To Fight Claudio Castagnoli

What did you think of this week’s episode of AEW Collision? What was your favorite segment or match? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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