allie katch
Photo Credit: Robert Bellamy

Allie Katch Wants More Women In Wrestling, Says They Don’t Always Have To Fight Men To Prove Themselves

Allie Katch continues to break the mold.

While professional wrestling may still be largely male-dominated, Allie Katch remains determined to turn the tide. During a recent appearance on GAW TV, the former GCW Tag Team Champion discussed her aim to showcase more females in professional wrestling.

“So, when I got into wrestling, I was really into the hardcore and the music scene, which was still very like DIY and stuff. I saw it, but again, it’s like the ‘Boys Club.’ And so, I was like, ‘Okay, whatever.’ And then I got in wrestling, and I went, ‘Oh, it’s the same thing here. It’s the Boys Club.’ There’s arbitrary reasons why you’re more popular than me for like why, I don’t understand. And so, my big goal when I got into wrestling was I want to carve out more spaces for girls. I wanted more matches, more girls to train, more girls to feel comfortable, more girls in the audience,” Katch recalled.

“So, all my merch is very girly. It’s very pink and purple and light because either I want to make the boys wear it or I want girls to buy it. And guess what? I sell a lot of smalls and mediums. Everyone’s always like, ‘You need to buy more larges.’ I’m like smalls and mediums are gonna be for the girls. Same thing with GCW, Brett [Lauderdale] has confidence in me and he trusts me. And guess what? Look at how many girls are on GCW now. I love it, because guess what? Now I have girls to talk to in the locker room with and I get to hang out with them.”

More Girls In Wrestling

While Allie Katch’s objective has always been the same, the strategy to achieve it has varied. Initially, Katch believed that intergender wrestling would be the ideal way for women to receive a spotlight. Reflecting back on her career, Katch now realizes there are alternative routes to take.

“Watching wrestling, my whole thing is I wanted more girls in wrestling, and I thought the only way that you could do that was to prove yourself by wrestling the guys. Now looking back, I’m like, ‘You don’t always have to take that route.’ I’m so tired of watching girls just get beat up in matches and being like, ‘You survived. Good job.’ No, we don’t have to do that anymore. I love intergender [wrestling], but we don’t have to do like ‘big guy beat little girl up’. Come on.”

On the topic of intergender wrestling, Katch pointed out two women the inspired her to love it.

“I did love watching Lita get stuff in on the guys. But the big one was like, I loved Heidi Lovelace (aka Ruby Soho). I wanted to be Heidi Lovelace. I looked up [to her], and so that was why that was like my dream match for Hammerstein because it was always like two ships. It was like she got signed, and then I was coming in. Then she got released, but now she’s here again. And now it’s like, ‘Come on, please let it happen,’ and it did. It was everything I wanted it to be, because I watched her beat all the guys up and I was like ‘yes.'”

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