Photo Credit: Natalya / TikTok

Natalya Is The Broski Of The Week

Natalya trolled Chelsea Green with her best Zack Ryder impression. 

Chelsea doesn’t seem to be a fan of it, but fans got a big kick out of it. Nattie’s Zacked Out video has more than 2.7 million views (and counting) on Twitter so far.

Matt Cardona says he wants royalties from Natalya for using his likeness to get a pop, but we’re giving her the honor of being this week’s Broski Of The Week.

Plenty of room at the Hotel California

Natalya was a recent guest on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet. When asked if she has any plans to retire in the near future, Natalya said she’s feeling really good and compares her career to the song “Hotel California” by The Eagles.

“I just feel so good. That’s the crazy thing is that, like people always say oh, when are you gonna wrap it up? When is it gonna be done? It’s like, Listen, this is “Hotel California”. You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave,” Natalya said. “Once you do this, like I’m a wrestler through and through. It’ll never ever, ever, ever, ever leave me ever.

“It’s a community, It’s a family, It’s a lifestyle. It’s a way of life, and it doesn’t mean that I’ll be competing forever. But when I saw Rey Mysterio, I was watching him in a match. I was live at a show, and I went into the crowd and like put a hat on and watched him; I was incognito, and I watched Rey perform live. It was in Mexico, and he was wrestling Roman Reigns. And I was just like Rey is almost 50, and he is doing the best work of his career.

Read More: Natalya Reacts To Viral Video Of Recent Fan Interaction At WWE RAW


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