mlw holiday rush

MLW Holiday Rush Results – December 24, 2023: Jacob Fatu Takes On Alex Hammerstone

MLW Holiday Rush Results – December 24, 2023

Major League Wrestling’s Holiday Rush special kicks off with a video recap of the rise of MSL’s World Titan Federation.

AKIRA defeated Alec Price, Love, Doug, Nolo Kitano, Brett Ryan Gosselin, and J Boujii in a Scramble 6 Match

  • AKIRA hit Alec Price with an elevated reverse DDT to score the pinfall victory.

After the match, AKIRA gets a microphone and sits in the ring. AKIRA says Rickey Shane Page is a leech and has sucked the life out of every stable he’s ever been a part of. AKIRA says he’s going to take down The Calling.

This brings out The Calling. Rickey Shane Page stands on the stage and sends his goons to the ring to take out AKIRA. Page eventually comes to the ring himself and lays AKIRA out with an Evenflow DDT. Page stands over AKIRA and gets kicked in the balls for his showboating. This finally brings out security and referees to separate the two men.

Salina de le Renta is backstage with Rocky Romero, Janai Kai, and Jesús Rodríguez getting hyped up for her match. Salina sees a bag on her chair, flips out about it, and storms out of the room.

A video package plays hyping the return of Sami Callihan to Major League Wrestling on January 6.

Zayda (w/ MSL) defeated Tiara James and Notorious Mimi

  • Zayda hits the I’m Prettier (Unprettier) on Tiara James to score the pinfall victory.

MLW Kings of Colosseum takes place on January 6

A video package plays hyping up the match between Janai Kai and Hyper Misao at Kings of Colosseum.

Josh Bishop (w/ MSL) defeated Matthew Justice

  • Josh Bishop powerbombs Matthew Justice into a table set up in the corner of the ring to win the match via pinfall.

MSL, who held Matthew Justice’s foot in the closing moments of the match, runs to the back like a coward to get away from Justice.

Salina de la Renta is backstage. Salina says she’s going to destroy Ichiban tonight and beats up the cameraman to prove her point.

Tony Deppen (w/ Griffin McCoy and TJ Crawford) defeated Kevin Blackwood

  • Tony Deppen launches Kevin Blackwood face-first into an exposed turnbuckle and rolls him up to score the pinfall victory.

Zayda interviews Richard Holliday backstage. Richard Holliday says while he was a free agent, he’s met with all of the top companies in the world but only the World Titan Federation understood that it’s all about making money. Holliday teases he’ll get involved in the MLW Tag Team Title match later on tonight.

A video package plays hyping up Matt Riddle’s return to Major League Wrestling.

Wasted Youth defeated The Mane Event and the team of Griffin McCoy & TJ Crawford

  • Marcus Mathers hit Midas Black with a 450 Splash to score the pinfall victory for his team.

It’s announced that Wasted Youth will receive a future shot a the MLW World Tag Team Titles.

Josh Bishop and Matthew Justice are seen brawling on the roof of the building. Justice climbs up a ladder and hits an elbow drop on Bishop through a table.

Ichiban defeated Salina de la Renta (w/ Janai Kai, Rocky Romero, and Jesus Rodriguez)

  • Ichiban wins via disqualification after Salina sprays something in his eyes. Romero steals his mask afterward.

The Second Gear Crew defend their titles on MLW Holiday Rush

Bomaye Fight Club (Alex Kane & Mr. Thomas) defeated The Second Gear Crew (“Masked Good Brother #3” Mance Warner & 1 Called Manders)

  • Richard Holliday throws a drink in Alex Kane’s face at ringside. The two men start brawling as The Bomaye Fight Club wins the match via disqualification. This means The Second Gear Crew remains champions.

Janai Kai and Delmi Exo brawl backstage. They are separated by security which brings in two of Cesar Duran’s masked goons who hand Exo an envelope. Exo reads what’s inside, but we don’t get to find out.

Jacob Fatu defeated Alex Hammerstone (w/ MSL)

  • Jacob Fatu hits Alex Hammerstone with a double spring moonsault to score the pinfall victory.

MSL walks out on Alex Hammerstone after the match.

Hammerstone speaks from the heart

Alex Hammerstone gets on the microphone and says he’s not supposed to be on it right now, but he has the best of intentions. Hammerstone says he’s felt a lot of frustration and anger in recent months, but tonight, he feels grateful. Hammerstone says Major League Wrestling took a chance on him after every other wrestling company passed on him. Alex puts over Court Bauer for signing him to a three-year contract and giving him a new contract before it was up for ten times more.

Hammerstone says this might be the last time we see him in a Major League Wrestling ring, but he will always be the man that this company built. Hammerstone puts over all the hungry men in the back who will continue to do great things for Major League Wrestling.

Court Bauer and Alex Hammerstone embrace on the stage afterward in a very heartfelt moment as MLW Holiday Rush goes off the air.

READ MORE: Report: Update On Richard Holliday’s Deal With MLW

What did you think of MLW Holiday Rush overall? What was your favorite match or segment? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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