Photo by World Wonder Ring STARDOM (Twitter @wwr_stardom)

STARDOM Cinderella Tournament 2024 Night 1 Full Results (3/9/2024)

The 2024 STARDOM Cinderella Tournament’s opening night featured its first round matches, Sareee‘s STARDOM debut, and Natsupoi’s return. This is also STARDOM’s first major show since Rossy Ogawa‘s departure from the company.

The full results of this year’s Cinderella Tournament Night One are listed below.


  • 8-Way Match: Suzu Suzuki def. Mai Sakurai, AZM, Hazuki, Waka Tsukiyama, Mei Seira, MIRAI, Ami Sohrei

The full pre-show match is available on STARDOM’s official YouTube channel. It may be viewed in the link below.

Main Show (non-tournament matches)

Cinderella Tournament Round 1 Matches

  • Starlight Kid def. Yuzuki
  • Sayaka Kurara def. Natsuko Tora (via DQ)
  • Yuna Mizumori def. Lady C
  • Xena def. Momo Kohgo
  • Miyu Amasaki def. Ranna Yagami
  • Ruaka def. Koguma
  • Saya Iida def. Saki Kashima
  • Hanan def. HANAKO

Post-show fallout

Following a near 20-minute tag match, Sareee thanked Natsupoi for selecting her as her opponent for her return match. Natsupoi then told the fans that she has come home before expressing her excitement upon seeing the fans in-person again.

Natsupoi was previously out of action due to an injury sustained five months prior. This match also marked Sareee’s debut in STARDOM. Both women have quite the history as close friends dating back to Natsupoi’s time in TJPW.

The Cinderella Tournament continues the following day at Korakuen Hall for some second round matches. Remaining matches for the second round are scheduled for March 16th. The finals of the tournament will be held on March 20th. WrestleZone will provide more updates as the tournament goes on.