WWE “Over The Limit” PPV Results – May 22, 2011

WWE Divas Championship: Brie Bella vs. Kelly Kelly

Little Guido/Nunzio was the referee for this Divas Championship match. Kelly Kelly hits a corss body block off the top rope onto the Bella Twin early on. Brie would go on to gain the upper hand in the offense for the majority of the match, which was appropriately kept short. Kelly got a small comeback but was cut off by a double-team spot from the Bella Twins, which lead to Nikkie dominating Kelly and scoring the easy pin to win the match for her sister.

Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: Brie Bella

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. Christian

Scott Armstrong is the referee for this World Heavyweight Championship contest. There are dueling Orton/Christian chants in the early goings. Christian is in control early but Orton slows him down with a big dropkick. Christian follows that up, however, with a nice spinebuster. Later on in the match, Christian goes to the top ropes, where Orton is waiting with the RKO, but Christian avoided it. He hit a big move and scored a close nearfall. A few minutes later, Christian avoids another RKO attempt by Orton. Christian repeatedly yells the word “spear” before heading to one of the ringside corners. He ran in for the spear but Orton caught him and hit him with a sweet powerslam-counter for a close nearfall. Orton backs up for the punt kick. He stops in mid-motion and ponders whether or not to go through with it. He backs up, setting it up again, and this time commits. However, he is met by a recovered Christian with a big Edge-like Spear. Christian tries a pin off the spear, but comes up short. He follows that up with an attempt at his own finisher, but Orton counters it for an RKO. Orton gets the pin off said-RKO. Orton retains the title.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton

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