Jericho Says He May Never Return To WWE; Talks DWTS, More

The following are highlights from a new radio interview with former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho on WWE’s support of his run on “Dancing With The Stars”: “I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to support it 100 percent. You have an audience of 23 million every week and hearing the words WWE every single week and seeing one of their guys performing on a whole different level and wowing people and breaking the stereotypes of what a wrestler is and what a wrestler does, but some of it was a no brainer for them.”

Jericho on working under his real name, Chris Irvine: “I was dancing for my Mom and that week was a very open and raw performance. And it was the producers idea to have me dance as Chris Irvine, which was a cool experience, it was a very moving performing and fitting.”

Jericho on WWE blacklisting the word “wrestling” from its’ product: “As long as there is a ring and guys in spandex throwing each other around it’s gonna be wrestling. You can call it what you want but if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and moves like a it’s a duck, it’s always gonna be wrestling.”

Jericho on whether or not he’ll return to WWE: “Everybody asks, ‘When are you coming back?’ and I don’t know if I’ll ever come back. I have no plans of it… I still love the WWE, I love watching it, but I don’t know if I’ll ever come back.”


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