Bret Hart Update, WWE Magazine Available Online & More

Bret Hart announced that he will be a guest on WWE Tough Enough next week.

WWE has now released a digital version of their WWE Magazine online.  You can purchase the magazine at for just 99 cents.  To be clear, this is not the same as what you’d buy in the store.  It’s an interactive issue of the magazine with videos, audio clips and other features that you can’t do in print publications.  Undertaker is featured on the cover of the first-ever online edition of the magazine.

Brady Hicks from the "In The Room" podcast sent in the following:

On this week’s uncensored IN THE ROOM, Brady Hicks welcomes Philadelphia-based attorney Timothy Graham to settle a legal debate 10+ years in the making: Was Triple-H really at fault for convincing Rikishi to run over Steve Austin all those years ago?!? Plus, Hicks, DJ, and Kevin McElvaney discuss TNA Lockdown and its aftermath, talk more extensively about Edge’s retirement, and take a look at other wacky items from the world of wrestling. Thanks for the support! Check it out at!


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