JR Comments on Undertaker vs Sting, Booker T/WWE, More

Jim Ross has posted a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"Amazing that some fans actually swear that there is going to be an Undertaker vs. Sting match this year at Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta. I would be shocked if that occurred but at the same time everyone has the right to fantasize about dream matches that they personally want to see. I still say that there would likely be a large part of the WWE TV audience that only watches WWE that would have to become familiar with the Stinger’s body of work. Not that it couldn’t be done, it could, but that matter would have to be addressed. Cutting to the chase, I don’t see Sting in WWE any time soon and especially not in the ring vs. the Undertaker in the Georgia Dome."

"Good to see that Kevin Nash might be working out something to remain associated with WWE to some undetermined degree. Nash is a good talker, a smart guy, and has name identity that can be utilized in  a variety of marketing ventures within the company. As I previously wrote, Kevin Nash can help WWE in many ways even if he never wrestles again."

"Booker T, who has talked of becoming a TV broadcaster in WWE for quite some time, would be potentially good in that role if he can master the skills that it takes at the ringside announce desk. The job is daunting but doable and Booker is a witty, glib guy who understands the business. At this stage of the game I see Booker T’s long term tenure with WWE as a ‘talker’ of which can take many forms and not as a full time wrestler."


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