Dragon Gate USA’s Gabe Sapolsky Makes A Big Promise

Gabe Sapolsky of Dragon Gate USA was interview by Michael 24/7 of The Heyman Hustle website, and previewed this weekend’s back-to-back iPPV shows for the Dragon Gate promotion. The weekend kicks off at BB King’s in Times Square, New York City,
and continues over to the former ECW Arena (where Sapolsky learned the wrestling business from former boss Paul Heyman), and then to Union, New Jersey.
A lot of interesting quotes from Sapolsky in this story, which you can read in its entirety on the Hustle site HERE.
"It’s time to shake things up!"
"We took our time in 2010 to nurture and develop a new roster with Dragon Gate USA. We have three shows this weekend, and two of them are on live iPPV!"
"These shows take me back to one of my earliest booking lessons from Paul Heyman. I distinctly remember the conversation. It was 1994 and it was one of those late night phone calls when I would keep my mouth shut and listen. Heyman was like a sensei teaching his protege. He said WHEN EVERYONE ZIGS, YOU ZAG!  Those words have always stuck with me."
"When Hulkamania exploded on the scene in the 80s it zagged by bringing a modernized flash to wrestling. When Hulkamania got old, WCW zagged and started the NWO. When wrestling was outdated, the original ECW zagged and led to the way to WWE’s Attitude Era. On a smaller level, when every indy was trying to fill the void of ECW with hardcore wrestling, we zagged and started ROH and the ROH style. Now while wrestling has been zigging for years, MMA is zagging and is filling that wrestling void for many people."


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