WWE Roster Cuts on the Way?, SD! Star Set For A New Push

On last night’s edition of "Right After Wrestling" Radio, co-host Jimmy Korderas offered a theory that a 40 man Rumble might lead to roster cuts, talking about the traditional "Battle Royal payday" at WrestleMania coming early because of low stock prices and economic challenges for the WWE.

Jimmy also talks about the yearly "wellness" letter he received in the mail on Monday, where the WWE reminds current and former talent that they can be sent to rehab should they need it, on WWE’s dime.

YOU CAN CHECK OUT THE FULL PODCAST AT: http://radio.thescore.com/episodes/rumble-11-talk-raw-jan-24-2011

The Wrestling Globe Newsletter is reporting that WWE Smackdown star Chris Masters is in line for a new push following the Royal Rumble PPV. Masters has been re-signed with WWE since 2009.


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