WWE RAW Results (1/10): Punk/Nexus, Cena Speaks Out!

Punk is lowered down from the top and makes his way to the ring. He grabs the microphone from Otunga and he laughs then says if anyone actually thought he would jump, then they are stupid. He takes off his shirt and shows the harness and says anyone who would do that is mentally challenged. He is mentally superior and says he doesn’t need approval because he is the leader of the new Nexus.

Punk says Cena is no longer here, but Cena is live via satellite and he calls Punk classless, unprofessional and he is wasting everyone’s time. Cena says he was going to get his hands on every member of Nexus, but he hasn’t gotten to Punk yet. Punk says he isn’t afraid of him, and Cena tells him to prove it by facing him in a match next week on RAW. Cena says everything Punk has been saying has been true, because he is an animal when he gets provoked. He says it’s not about shirts or armbands, because next week he is going to kick Punk’s ass.

The Miz & Alex Riley vs Jerry Lawler & Randy Orton

Riley goes right after King after sets him up for Miz but King retaliate and punches Miz until he rolls out of the ring. King catches him and slams his head off the announcer’s table, then throws him into the stairs and gets back in the ring. Miz pokes him in the eye and tags in Riley, but he backdrops him and tags in Orton. Orton stomps away at him in the corner then clotheslines a running Miz and stomps him in the ribs then tags Lawler back in. Lawler punches Miz in the corner until the ref pulls him off and when he turns back to Miz he eats a big boot. Miz attacks Lawler then puts him in a headlock, and whips him in the corner when he tries to fight out. Miz runs and him and hits a clothesline as we go to a final commercial.

When we get back Lawler is fighting off Riley and he makes the mistake of going to the wrong corner, then turns around and nails Riley in the ribs with a fist. He starts going towards Orton but Miz distracts the ref and he won’t allow Lawler’s tag. Miz tries hitting the Skull Crushing Finale but Orton hits an RKO behind the ref and Lawler goes for the cover. Riley breaks it up at two then Lawler gets the legal tag and Orton hits a backbreaker and rope DDT and sets up for the RKO. He catches Miz trying to come in, and dares him to come closer, then hits the RKO on Riley out of instinct. He stares at Miz while he tags Lawler in and then watches Miz as Lawler delivers a top rope punch and pins Riley for the win. Miz looks scared and grabs his belt and goes up the ramp as Orton stares his down all the way up the ramp.

Winners – Jerry Lawler & Randy Orton