TNA Genesis Results – January 9, 2011

TNA TV Title

Douglas Williams vs. Abyss

Both Abyss and Douglas Williams make their way to ring as their music sounds in the arena. Abyss looks very determined as he enters the ring. Both men begin fighting on the outside and the inside of the ring. Abyss is able to grab the title belt off the table that is beside the ring and attempts to hit Williams with it, missing the target. The belt lads in the corner of the ring just below one of the turnbuckles and the match continues. Williams gets in several european uppercuts. Abyss eventually makes it ringside and grabs Janice from underneath the ring. The referee is busy with Abyss as A.J. Styles limps down the ramp and to ringside. Styles grabs the championship belt and hits Williams with it. Abyss gets back in the ring and hits the black hole slam for the win.

Winner: Abyss


The cameras cut to Eric Bischoff who is backstage celebrating the victory and arguing with RVD who swears Hardy is in the building and he wants to fight him now. Bischoff explains to Rob that if he wants Hardy, he only gets him in the ring. Jeremy Borash then officially introduces the mystery opponent as Matt Hardy walks out to his music.

Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy are both already in the ring now. Matt punches RVD just as the referee calls for the bell to ring and the match formally begins.  Hardy takes an early lead in the match and mocks RVD in the middle of the ring. Hardy makes his way to the second rope and goes for a flying stunt only to eat Van Dam’s boot as he lands. Van Dam then leaps off the top rope and catches Hardy with a kick, quickly following with a rolling thunder and then the five star frogsplash. RVD covers Hardy and might have got the win, but referee Jackson James wouldn’t count it as Hardy’s hand was under the bottom rope. The match continues. Hardy gets a twist of fate on RVD and gets a three count for the win.

Winner: Matt Hardy

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