WWE NXT Results (1/4): Rookie Eliminated, Standings, More

Johnny Curtis goes first and he will be ‘battling’ with Brodus Clay. Brodus tells Johnny that when he looks at him, all he can think of is the sounds that Johnny made when he got thrown through a table. Brodus says that was hilarious.

Johnny responds and says that he was thinking about how funny it was when he punched Brodus in the mouth and Johnny slugs Brodus in the mouth. Brodus has to be held back by the rookies.

The winner, according to the WWE Universe in the building is Johnny Curtis.

The next challenge is Derrick Bateman and Byron Saxton.

Bateman goes first and he introduces everyone to the voice that single handedly destroyed ECW. He talks about the love child of Carlton Banks and an uglier shorter Carlton Banks.

Byron Saxton says that the reality is that when you look in the mirror, he is always better than Derrick.

The winner of this round is Derrick Bateman.

Jacob Novak and Conor O’Brian are the final pairing.

Jacob says that Conor thinks he is a rat. He says that Conor is ugly, scares the girls, and stinks.

Conor responds by commenting on Jacob’s nose. He says that Novak will need two entrances, one for him and one for his nose.

The winner of this round is Conor O’Brian.

It is time for them to insult the other two finalists.

Johnny Curtis says that he likes Derrick but he disses himself by walking out with that haircut. He says that Derrick spends $250 per week on his perm. Johnny tells Conor that he has nothing bad to say about him because he likes rats.


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