WWE NXT Results (1/4): Rookie Eliminated, Standings, More

Results Courtesy of Richard Trionfo and PWInsider.com:

Matt is on the stage with the rookies and pros. Matt reminds everyone that one rookie will be eliminated tonight. He says that the winner of NXT will wrestle for the WWE Tag Titles. The rookie will team with their pro in that match. The pros will have a challenge as well. It will be an over the top rope battle royal. The winner of the battle royal has the opportunity to trade their rookie away if they want.

Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and he wants to show Alberto how to do it and take his spot in the match. Alberto thinks about it and he agrees to let Ricardo participate in the match.

Match Number One: Pro Battle Royal Challenge

The match starts and Bryan puts Rodriguez in an airplane spin for about a half minute while everyone else watches this take place. Truth punches Rodriguez and throws him over the top rope to eliminate him. Ziggler and Bryan battle while Truth helps Bryan. Masters tries to eliminate DiBiase. Bryan with a European uppercut to Masters and Masters chops back. Ted with a chop. Masters tries to eliminate DiBiase again while Bryan deals with Truth and Ziggler goes to a corner to rest.

DiBiase with a kick to Bryan and then he kicks him in the corner and tries to eliminate Bryan. Masters holds Ziggler and Truth punches Ziggler. Bryan kicks Ted to get back into he ring. Truth sends Ziggler over the top rope but he stays on the apron. Masters tries to eliminate Bryan but Daniel gets back to his feet. Bryan with a kick and then Ziggler eliminates Bryan.

Masters chops Ziggler after Ziggler says something to Bryan. Masters sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Truth kicks DiBiase while Masters continues to punch Ziggler. Ziggler with a rake of the eyes to stay in the match. Truth charges at DiBiase but Ted drops down and Truth is eliminated. DiBiase stops Masters from applying the Master Lock. Ziggler takes a powder while Masters tries to eliminate DiBiase. Ziggler comes from behind to eliminate both men and win the match.