Latest “Fitness Column” From TNA’s Stevie Richards

The following is the latest blog from Stevie Richards:

Blog: Stevie Richards Fitness Column



It’s 3AM and you can’t sleep. You’re flipping through the 200 channels with nothing on at all. All you seem to be catching is infomercial after infomercial, which most seem to be for that one piece of equipment to make you look like a fitness model. I cannot, for the sake of legality, mention them by name…..but I think you can figure out which products I’m referring to.

It’s really a shame that these products sell so well to hopeful people who, often, get The frustrated when said product doesn’t give them a dream body in “no time at all”. These “get fit quick” scams are just that. They will never replace proper training and nutrition. NEVER.

There is only one product that gives the results that are advertised. That program is P90X. It’s no secret that I’m a major believer in this system and it’s helped me achieve better overall fitness. I do not work for Beachbody nor do I receive any compensation from the company. I just know, from experience, that it works as advertised.

The thing that sets P90X apart from all the other late night infomercials is that they, repeatedly, advertise it as being difficult and not some “get fit quick” solution. You have to work hard and eat properly for 90 days plus beyond that. It’s a 90 day program that can be configured for usage beyond the 90 day schedule. The forums are active, positive and encouraging. As a matter of fact, I may start a Team CAN so we all can interact with one another and help keep our fitness goals.

So, remember, next time that late night commercial comes on offering results with just 2 minutes of use every 6 years…it probably won’t work. Nothing beats good old-fashioned work ethic.

Please check out this week’s Q&A video and subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Remember you can follow me @michaelmanna on Twitter and visit for all your fitness and tech-related content. Thank you and best of luck in all your future fitness endeavors.


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