Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Comeback Put On Hold

While Steve Austin’s movie career begins to soar, he tells that his WWE career will be put on hold for a while longer as the current WWE environment is not up to his liking. "It’s a PG business these days," says Austin, who shot down rumblings he would appear on RAW on Dec. 27. "And the Stone Cold character is close to being an R-rated act. I was edgy and I had a lot of fun doing it."

Steve Austin continues in the interview explaining his highlights during wrestling and his many injuries suffered during his time on WWE and his lack of interest for returning to the ring anytime soon. Mainly his interest is now becoming a more serious actor and choosing better projects for his acting future. "One day I woke up and said to myself, ‘Dude, it’s time to do something.’ So I moved to L.A. It wasn’t my goal in life to be an actor. I had a delayed start. If I hadn’t had so many injuries, I’d probably still be in wrestling."

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Check out part 2 of this weeks Chair Shot Reality where Lex Luger talks about his relationship with Vince McMahon, plus why he hasn’t been back to the WWE since he left in 1995.

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