CT Voters Could Be Turned Away If They Wear WWE Clothing

The Hartford Courant is noting in its blog section that Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz has warned Connecticut voters that they could be turned away from the polls for the upcoming Linda McMahon/Richard Blumenthal vote if they arrive wearing WWE branded clothing. Bysiewicz was quoted as saying, "Even though it doesn’t say her name directly…the brand is so ubiquitously associated with the McMahons."

Ed Patru, a spokesman for the Linda McMahon campaign, immediately spoke out against this by saying, "There is absolutely nothing in the statute that prohibits someone from wearing an apolitical, nonpartisan piece of clothing to the polls. This opinion seems overtly partisan, and anytime the state starts arbitrarily denying citizens the right to vote, democracy itself is under attack. It’s very, very troubling."



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