TNA Impact Results (10/7) – BFG Is Near, New KO Debut!

Robbie E and Cookie, the Shore, are finally in TNA, and the party is here! Robbie lets the crowd know that he will run through the roster and there are no hot girls in Orlando. He says there are all grenades here, and she says there are no gorillas either, and that all of them live with their mothers in their basements. They say unlike the posers on MTV, the party will be back on Spike TV next week. (Wow the crowd hated on them, like X-Pac heat hated them, maybe because they used so many blantant Jersey Shore catchphrases, but Mike Tenay, seriously, way to remind everyone that is a parody of another show…)

$100,000 Bound For Glory Battle Royal

Anderson and Angle start out first, and every 45 seconds we will get another entrant. Hardy is next, followed by AJ, as we go to our first commercial. When we get back there are ten guys in the ring and they are fighting all over the ring. Lethal hits a hurricanrana as Jarrett makes his way out, then Pope, Robert Roode, and Sting are next, and there are still no eliminations so far. After another commercial, Douglas Williams, Sabu, Jay Lethal, Stevie Richards, Chris Sabin and Raven are all eliminated as Abyss comes in and starts to clean house. Everyone left in the ring piles on him and beats on  him and Sting runs at him for a Stinger Splash but Abyss holds on and throws him over the top as Kevin Nash makes his way out.

Matt Morgan comes in and faces off with Nash, and they start brawling as Samoa Joe enters the match, but Abyss eliminates both Morgan and Nash. Abyss is on the apron and grabs both members of Generation Me and throws them over the top rope to eliminate them, then Rhino comes in and gets eliminated fairly quickly. Abyss takes out Jarrett, and tries to chokeslam Pope, but Pope fights out and runs at him, only to have Abyss throw him out of the ring. Abyss takes out Alex Shelley next, and holds the ropes to avoid Joe, and eliminates him as well. Beer Money take down Dreamer, then double suplex Abyss and hit their pose, then Roode tries to toss Storm but he holds on to the ropes and the argue in the middle. They both get eliminated by Abyss and it is down to six as AJ hits the Pele on Abyss, and Dreamer hits the Dreamer Driver on AJ.

Abyss gets back up and eliminates them both as Hardy hits Angle with a Twist of Fate and a Swanton, but Abyss eliminates him too! Abyss chokeslams Anderson and RVD’s music hits as he is a surprise participant in this match, and hits a kick off the top rope. He runs at Abyss and hits a flying crossbody to eliminate both himself and Abyss, and we are down to Anderson and Angle. They trade punches before Anderson hits a shoulder block, then they fight out of each other’s finisher attempts, before Angle picks up Anderson and Angle Slams him over the top rope to win the match!

Winner – Kurt Angle

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