TNA Impact Results (9/2): No Surrender “Go-Home” Show

1. Madison Rayne and biker chick beat Angelina Love and Velvet Sky in 2:30. The announcers hyped Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett for later in the show. Love and biker chick fought to ringside. Biker chick grabbed her helmet and hit Sky with it while the ref was distracted. Rayne covered Sky to get the win.

After the match, Madison and biker chick roughed up Sky and Rain. Biker chick unmasked to reveal that it’s been Awesome Kong all along. Okay, not really. It was Tara (a/k/a Lisa Marie Varon). Act surprised.

Backstage, Stevie Richards said he’s been asked all day whether he’s afraid of facing Abyss. He said he’s not because he’s been through multiple throat and vocal chord surgery, as well as neck surgeries… A video package featured footage from a past TNA Reaction regarding Abyss and whether They are real.

Rob Van Dam will speak on next week’s TNA Impact.

2. Stevie Richards pinned Abyss in 2:20. Richards ran to ringside and brawled with Abyss before he could get inside the ring. Abyss rolled him inside the ring and the ref started the match. Late in the match, Abyss and the referee argued over a chair. Richards super kicked Abyss and pinned him for the upset win.

Abyss attacked Stevie after the match. Abyss hit Shock Treatment. A backstage shot aired of EV2 and Fortune being held apart by security. Mick Foley was on the ground holding his ankle. Back inside the ring, Abyss hit the Black Hole Slam on Stevie. He grabbed the weapon he can never use without killing someone, only to have Brian Kendrick run out and kick him. Kendrick and Richards ran backstage.

Backstage, Mr. Anderson whispered to the camera that he doesn’t understand why The Pope doesn’t like him. He said he’s been nothing but nice to him. Funny. Pope laughed and said he’s not buying the crap that Anderson has sold the fans and Jeff Hardy on. Anderson said he’s not selling anything. He said they need to put their differences aside for the night. Pope said he doesn’t like, nor trust Anderson.

The announcers hyped Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett.


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