WWE RAW Results (8/30) – RAW’s 900th Episode!

We go backstage to Nexus’ locker room and Tarver says people are talking about them being weak because they kicked out Darren Young and Skip Sheffield broke his ankle. Otunga says all they did was trim the fat and Barrett says they aren’t weak, and in three weeks he’ll prove it when he is WWE Champion. He says they need to do something tonight that no one will ever forget, and he knows exactly what they need to do.

Josh Mathews is in the back and he asks about Chris Jericho’s history on RAW, but Jericho says he had an epiphany, and if he doesn’t win the title at Night of Champions, he will leave and that’s it. Josh brings up Jericho being fired before and threatening to leave, but Jericho says he is absolutely serious and he will prove it tonight.

#1 Contender Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

John Morrison & R-Truth vs "Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre

Cody knock Morrison off the apron then all four men start fighting in the ring. They won’t break up and the ref rings the bell to throw the match out. They continue to fight after the bell and Morrison dropkicks Drew into the GM podium and Truth hits a crossbody to the outside on Cody by the bottom of the ramp. Truth and Morrison leave them laying and walk back up the ramp together. 

Result – No Contest