TNA Impact Results (8/26) – EV2.0 Regroups, Flair Suspended?

Fourtune vs Mr. Anderson, "The Pope" D’Angelo Dinero, Jeff Hardy & Kurt Angle

Kazarian gets hip tossed and then Anderson tags in Pope. Kazarian tags in AJ and Pope unloads with some high elbows on AJ, but AJ gets Pope into the corner and Fourtune keeps him occupied by quick tagging and keeping him grounded. Pope finally gets up and Morgan lets him tag in Hardy, and Morgan elbows him then shoves Hardy in the corner. Morgan goes to splash him but hardy moves and punches away at him, then takes out Kazarian, AJ and Williams before Morgan knocks him back down again.

Morgan chokes him in the corner and tags in AJ, who hits a knee drop and taunts Angle. Morgan comes back in and hits the rapid elbows in the corner on Hardy, and Morgan hits a suplex and tags in Williams. Fourtune cuts Hardy off from the rest of the ring, and Flair low blows him behind the ref’s back.

Hardy finally comes alive and hits Williams with a shoulder block and gets the hot tag to Angle, who lights up Kazarian then hits a belly to belly on AJ. Angle hits a big German suplex on him and goes for the Ankle Lock, but AJ jumps in to break up it and all hell breaks loose as everyone is fighting in the ring and hitting finishers on each other. Pope blindtags in and gets the cover, then argues with Angle after the match.

They start shoving each other and Fourtune starts to attack them along with Hardy and Anderson. EV2.0 makes the save and they start brawling with Fourtune all over the place. Sabu hits an Arabian Facebuster through a table on Williams and AJ and Dreamer are fighting by the stage as Impact goes off the air.


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