Squared Circle Wrestling Results (8/22): Bryan Danielson!

Thanks to the420etrain for sending this in:

Squared Circle Wrestling Results: 8/22/10

Upstate 8 Winner Cheech beat 2CW Grand Prix Winner Isys Ephex after hitting him with the GP Trophy.

Pepper Parks beat Tony Kozina.

Colin and Jimmy Olsen beat the American  Wolves for the tag titles in what was a co-winner as MOTNwhen Colin hit Eddie Edwards with the belt.

Kevin Graham b. Studly Steve McKenzie and Big Pun in a Triple Threat when the towel was thrown in on Pun while in a crossface chicken wing.

Loca Vida beat Slyck Wagner Brown and got his ass kicked afterwards.

Big Rig Brodie Lee b. Juggernaut Jason Axe. Originally a first blood match won by Axe after dumping fake blood on Lee while the ref was down.  Turned into a falls count anywhere match which Lee won with a piledriver through a table off the apron.

Jake The Snake Roberts beat Zacquary Springate III when Big Pun grabbed ZS3’s leg and Jake hit the DDT.

Bryan Danielson beat J Freddie via ref stoppage when Freddie passed out from multiple elbow strikes to the temple.

OTHER NOTES: For a small company and a Sunday afternoon, the crowd was huge.  Bryan and Jake were both very hospitable and took pics with everyone that wanted one before the show.  After his match, Jake explained that he had wrestled to prove to his father he could make it.  His father dies 3 months ago, and he has no reason to wrestle anymore, so he’s retiring while he can.
After the Danielson/Freddie match, Bryan thanked everyone for continuing to support Indy Wrestling.  A Vince is gonna screw you chant started, to which he said, "AGAIN? God, how many times can that happen?" Wow, brave words lol.
All in all, another great show from the 2CW company, as most of them are.



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