TNA Impact Results (8/19) – Title Vacated, AJ/Dreamer

Dreamer says if Dixie didn’t tell them to stay back they would hit the ring and kick their asses. They scream at each other before Foley interrupts and says he remembers a drunk phone call from Flair where Flair wasn’t a god, and he asked Foley for help. Foley told him to come to TNA, and now he regrets ever taking that call, and wishes he left Flair out. Foley says he works for Dixie, but Flair screams that he works for himself and Fourtune will kick ass and take names while Foley goes home.

Dreamer gets back on the mic and says they will deal with Abyss eventually, and they will do it the way they know how. He says this is definitely the house AJ built and they had nothing but respect… until last week. Dreamer informs AJ they will meet in the ring, and he will definitely make it extreme!

Douglas Williams vs Kurt Angle

Angle pushes Williams into the corner then backs off at the insistance of the referee. They lock back up and Angle puts him in a side headlock, but Williams gets out, headbutts him, and throws him on the floor. Williams gets Angle back in and bodyslams him, then hits three kneedrops and takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Angle fights back with a hip toss and backbody drop, and stops Williams with a belly to belly suplex.

Williams hits a running knee then tries to go up top, and is successful in hitting a jumping European uppercut. Angle fights back and hits three German suplexes, and takes the straps down and sets up for the Angle Slam. Williams floats over and tries to hit the Chaos Thoery but Angle rolls through it, and catches Williams in the ankle lock. Williams taps out and Angle moves on to the semifinals of the tournament. 

Winner – Kurt Angle