TNA Impact Results (8/12) – The Whole F’n Show!

Best of Five Series for the TNA Tag Team Championships

Match 5 – Two out of Three Falls

Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns (c)

Storm and Sabin trade pin attempts then they meet a stalemateand tag out to their partners. Shelley hits a shoulder block and sweeps Roode’s legs and follows it with a tilt a whirl headscissors. Roode comes back with a backbreaker and gets bulldogged by Sabin, who blind tagged in. The Guns double team Roode and get a near fall, then Beer Money takes back over when they trip Sabin and kick him in the head on the outside. Storm punches Sabin in the corner then they hit an elbow/kneedrop combo.

Sabin comes back with an enziguiri and crawls to make the tag, and hits a bulldog/clothesline combo on Beer Money. Shelley holds them both and Sabin dropkicks them to help Shelley DDT them, and they clear Beer Money from the ring. The Guns run to the ropes and they hit simultaneous suicide dives, and Shelley goes for a foot stomp but misses, and Beer Money hits the DWI to take the first fall. (0-1)

Roode goes right back to work on Shelley, then pose to the crowd, and Shelley tags out and Sabin hits a double dropkick on them. Sabin holds Roode and Shelley dives off the top rope and hits a crossbody to get the second fall. (1-1)

Good sequence here as Storm runs off the ropes and dives onto Sabin on the outside, then Shelley suicide dives onto Sabin, and Roode jumps and dives onto all three of them! Roode hits a swinging side slam, and they beat up Shelley in the corner, then Storm sets him up top for a superplex. Shelley shoves him down into a tree of woe position and jumps down with a foot stomp, and gets the hot tag to Sabin. He hits some flying forearms on Roode then hits a hurricanrana and a springboard spike DDT for a close two count.

Sabin kicks Roode and then hits a double team slam with Shelley, and goes for the pin but Storm is able to kick out. Another great chain here as Shelley and Sabin kick Storm, Shelley superkicks Storm, then Storm hits the Last Call on Shelley. Sabin then hits an enziguiri and walks into a spinebuster by Roode, and a catapult/DDT combo by Beer Money. Shelley goes for Sliced Bread, but he flips onto Storm’s shoulders and they hit a double team jawbreaker, and they set Sabin up for the DWI but he fights out of it and the Guns double superkick Storm. Shelley goes to the top rope and they hit a crossbody/neckbreaker combo and still only get a two count! Shelley goes back up top and hits the move again and Sabin finally gets the pinfall to win the series!

Winners and still TNA Tag Team Champions – Motor City Machine Guns