(Spoilers) WWE Raw Taping Results For Tonight (August 2nd)

5. The Great Khali defeated Ted DiBiase. Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield came to ringside and distracted DiBiase by grabbing his Million Dollar Title belt, which led to Khali getting the win via the Vice Grip.

The Miz came out and said Randy made a mistake. He said he will be champion if he cashes in on Orton or Sheamus, because he’s The Miz and he’s awesome.

6. Randy Orton defeated The Miz. Sheamus watched the match from the stage. Randy pinned Miz after hitting the RKO. Sheamus rushed the ring, but Randy saw it coming and struck the Viper Pose, which stopped Sheamus dead in his tracks. This may end up being the point where the television show will go off the air.

Cena came out while Sheamus, Miz, and Orton were still at ringside. Nexus came out and told Sheamus to leave because they have a truce. Mark Henry came out with the Raw crew to fight off Nexus. The Raw crew successfully chased off the majority of Nexus and then roughed up Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. The Raw crew stood tall as Cena’s music played to end the show.

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