Officials High on NXT Rookie, TNA Knockout Gets a Big Raise

Sources: The Wrestling Observer,

It’s being reported that WWE officials are high on NXT rookie Husky Harris at the moment. Internally, the feeling is that Harris has the "it factor," and some are even comparing him to ring legend Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes was known of course for having a terrible looking physique, but was a gifted wrestler and was quicker and more athletic than his appearance led on. At this point, WWE officials consider Husky Harris to be the stand out performer amongst the season 2 rookies.

We reported awhile back that Velvet Sky recently signed a new, long term contract with TNA. Along with the deal, which is reportedly for 3 years, Sky also received a pay raise, bumping her salary from $300 per show to $600 per show. She is now among the company’s top female earners.


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