TNA Impact Results (7/1) – Abyss vs Hardy, Pope Returns

After a commercial Sarita is beating up Taylor Wilde in the backstage area and throws her into a steel beam. Sarita tries rolling a large equipment case at her but Taylor moves and punches Sarita back. Sarita holds her by the hair as Taylor tries fighting back but Sarita throws her into another beam. Security runs in and breaks them up and Sarita slaps Taylor in the head as they pull the two women apart.  

Dixie Carter catches up to Sting backstage and he asks if she finally gets it. She says that Hogan and Bischoff showed her that he is a cancer, and Sting did it to himself. She says that he is suspended for 30 days, and he can’t believe it. He says it isn’t about the money, and says it is about her being conned. Dixie asks him if he has something to say instead of talking in cryptic language all the time, so he says he will break it down for her, only to get cut off by Eric Bischoff. He says to stop because this is nuts, and calls for security. Sting tells Dixie to forget about the 30 days, because she can make it indefinite, and he leaves without restraint. Bischoff tells her that Sting won’t go away easily, and says she needs protection. He suggests she gets a bodyguard and they leave the area they confronted Sting in.  

Abyss vs Jeff Hardy (w/ Rob Van Dam as Special Referee)

Hardy takes control early and unloads on Abyss in the corner, then clotheslines Abyss out of the ring. Hardy hits a slingshot crossbody to the outside and keeps after Abyss but he misses a Twist of Fate and Abyss shoves him into the ringpost. Abyss throws him back in the ring and whips him into the turnbuckle. He picks Hardy back up and hits a big side slam for a two count, and then Abyss rolls outside and goes for a chair at ringside. RVD takes the chair away from Abyss and Hardy rolls him up but only gets two, and then Hardy hits a legdrop to the groin. Hardy grabs the chair and RVD tries to take it away but Hardy says he isn’t using it, and hits Poetry in Motion off of it. Hardy runs the ropes and eats a big boot and a splash for two, and Abyss goes for the Shock Treatment but gets hit with the Twist of Fate instead. Hardy goes up top and Abyss cuts him off and tries to chokeslam Hardy off the top rope. Hardy throws some elbows and knocks Abyss down, and jumps off and hits the Swanton Bomb to get the win.

Winner – Jeff Hardy

After the bell, Abyss goes nuts and chokes Hardy then hits RVD with a Black Hole Slam. He goes and grabs the piece of wood with the nails, and gets cut off by Mr. Anderson. Anderson drives the chair into Abyss’ ribs, and he winds up and swings at Abyss, but Abyss ducks and Anderson accidentally hits Hardy with the chair. Anderson goes to check on Hardy and Abyss picks him up and hits the Shock Treatment. Abyss looks around and yells as the other three men are down on the mat as Impact goes off the air.

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