TNA Impact Results (7/1) – Abyss vs Hardy, Pope Returns

TNA Impact Results
July 1st, 2010
By Bill Pritchard for

Impact Opener:

Impact starts with Abyss throwing chairs in the ring and then he makes his way towards So Cal Val. He leaps at a few fans and grabs their chairs and throws them into the pile in the ring. He continues to follow around the ring and points at her when she trips, and Hogan comes to the ring and tells Abyss to get in the ring. Abyss gets to the ropes but Eric Bischoff runs down the ramp and gets in Hogan’s way and tells him what he is doing is insane. Security comes in and gets between Abyss and Hogan, and Bischoff is trying to get Abyss to back down, and then calls him an ungrateful son of a b***h and slaps him in the face. Abyss knocks out the security guards and then points at Bischoff, and Hogan smacks him in the back with one of the chairs. Abyss doesn’t sell the chair shots and turns around to Hogan, but Jeff Hardy runs down to make the save. He hits with some of the chairs and then goes up top and hits the Swanton Bomb on Abyss.

Hardy, Hogan and Bischoff get out of the ring and are backing up the ramp as Abyss is telling Hardy to come back down to the ring. Hardy tries running back down and more security comes down and gets in his way as Abyss screams that Hardy is his tonight. Tenay and Taz go over a match that will happen tonight and then suddenly get a visit from Abyss and Taz pulls Tenay out of the way. Abyss points at Taz and then beats up more security guards on the stage, and stares down Taz as we go to our first commercial.  

When we get back Bischoff and Hogan are talking about how to put a stop to Abyss. Hardy says he has Abyss’ number and he will put a stop to it tonight. Hogan says yea he does have his number but that won’t completely stop him, and says they’ll get his back. Hardy screams Abyss is going down tonight, and walks away as Hogan thanks him and stays with Bischoff.


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