TNA Impact Results (6/24)

Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Lethal hits a hip toss and Kazarian retreats to the corner and the ref backs Lethal off. Kazarian rushes Lethal and hits him in the corner then hits a huge spinebuster off the ropes. Kazarian follows with a suplex on the ropes and then kicks Lethal in the head. He drags Lethal to the middle and attempts a pin but only gets a two count. He goes back on attack with a springboard legrop and puts Lethal in a headlock, and we get camera backstage as the match continues. Flair and AJ are attacking Lethal’s brother in the back, and the match continues. Lethal makes a comeback and blocks a low blow and rolls up Kazarian for two. Lethal chops away at him goes for the Lethal Combination, but Kazarian fights out and attempts a spike piledriver. Lethal reverses it and hits the Lethal Injection and gets the win and then goes to celebrate in the crowd.

Winner – Jay Lethal

After the match Flair and AJ are shown on the big screen still attacking Lethal’s brother. Flair yells at him that he should remember this the next time he wants to mess with him. Lethal looks shocked at what is going on, then gets out of the crowd and runs to the back to help his brother as we go to a commercial.

When we get back Jeff Jarrett makes his way out to the ring as he is coming to confront Sting. They are supposed to be having a match but Sting doesn’t come out when his music plays. The cameras show Sting is still in the rafters and he makes his way to the ring and Jarrett goes to the stairs to cut him off. Jarrett punches him as the come back down the stairs, but wait… the real Sting is in the ring with a bat and Jarrett has no clue he is fighting a fake! When Jarrett brings the impostor in the ring he realizes what happened and Sting chokes him from behind with his bat. He hits Jarrett in the knee with it and taunts him before he hits him in the ribs with it. Sting hits him again in the back and then grabs a mic and says if Jarrett is going to walk with them, he will go down with them. He leaves the ring to boos as Jarrett is left lying in the ring.