WWE RAW Results (6/7): Viewer’s Choice, NXT Rookies Attack!

Sheamus vs Kane

Sheamus charges Kane but is met with a right hand and dumped over the top rope. He slams Sheamus’ head on top apron and rolls him inside. Sheamus goes on the attack and hits a powerslam off the top turnbuckle for a two count. Sheamus tries to keep Kane grounded but Kane fights out and hits a big boot and follows it with a side slam. Kane dropkicks Sheamus and goes up top and hits his clothesline then measures for the chokeslam. Sheamus kicks Kane and gets out of chokeslam and drops the back of Kane’s head onto his knee. Kane sends Sheamus out of the ring after Sheamus gets back in Kane chokeslams him but Sheamus is too close to the ropes. Sheamus ends up outside again, and gets to the apron on the 8 count. He drops to the floor and walks away as he is counted out. Kane doesn’t look happy at all but he still gets the win.

Winner – Kane

Savannah is in the back and asks Wade Barrett how he feels about winning NXT. He says he doesn’t need to explain anything because he knew he would win the entire time. He tells Savannah to ask him the same question next week, when he does something that has never been done before in the history of RAW.

The A-Team goes to the locker room of Ted DiBiase and Murdoch thinks Ted took it because it is priceless. Ted says he could buy anything he wanted and tells Virgil to make them leave. B.A. tells them he has a lie detector test, and he’ll punch both of them in the face until he gets the truth. Ted puts the brakes on this, and tells ‘Uncle Irwin’ to handle this. IRS comes out wearing the crown and says that Lawler never paid the taxes on the crown, and it belongs to him now. Ted says he knows they are really the A-Team and the crown was a diversion. There is a gas bomb set off and everyone gets out of the room except for Murdoch who says he is immune to gas but passes out. 

Miz and a voted on partner will face R-Truth and a voted partner in a tag team match next. Miz’s choices are Dolph Ziggler, William Regal and Zack Ryder and Truth’s choices are Christian, MVP or John Morrison. We will find out the results after the commercial.