WWE Smackdown House Show Results (6/5): St. Louis

Here are the results of the Smackdown House Show that took place at the Scottrade Center on June 5th.
Report by Shaun Brown
Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler

Before the match Dolph got on the mic and said that nobody was here to see Christian and that there were no peeps in St. Louis. He said everybody were fans of his and he called them Dolphins. The match went back and forth with a few near falls. Both looked impressive in this match.

The winner was Christian with the Killswitch at about 10 minute mark.

After the match Hornswoggle came out and did the Tadpole Splash on Dolph. Then Luke Gallows, The Unknown Member, and Serena came out and attacked Christian and Hornswoggle as they were leaving.

The Straight Edge Society minus CM Punk reach the ring, where Luke talks about spreading the message and issues an open challenge to anyone in the back to face him and The Unknown Member. Kane accepts and heads to the ring. Kane gets the upper hand, then they gang up on him. Then Kane gets the upper hand until they regroup and double team again. Goes back forth like this until Kane double chokeslams The Straight Edge Society.

Kane covers Luke at around 4 minutes.

Women’s Championship

Layla vs. Tiffany

This match was one sided with Layla doing various leg submissions. This match did not have a very good flow to it.

Layla win with her neckbreaker finisher at 8 minutes.

Layla attacks Tiffany after the match and Kelly Kelly comes to make the save.

Heath Slater vs. Finlay

Heath receives a mixed reaction when he comes out. Talks about the reaction and takes a cheap shot at the Blues. Then says that he needed our votes before, but now he needs nothing and that he is going to blow our minds. The match starts with Heath trying to avoid Finlay. A "You Can’t Wrestle" chant starts. Finally Finlay takes control and he controls much of the match.

The end comes with a Celtic Cross after Heath misses a dive into the corner. The turnbuckle was exposed from when Heath took it off earlier in the match. Match lasted 1o minutes.

Intercontinental Title Match

Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston

Drew talks about how he is only here because he knows that Matt Hardy wouldn’t show up in a toilet bowl like St. Louis. The match is back and forth and Drew had many two counts that frustrated him.

Kofi wins with his side kick flip into a pin at 13 minutes.

Drew hit Kofi with the belt after the match. Matt comes out and attacks Drew. Matt then runs down the aisle and out of the building as if he isn’t allowed there.


Justin Gabriel vs. Chavo

Missed most of this match thanks to the wonderful service at the concession stand.

Chavo wins with the Frog Splash after Gabriel missed the 450 at 8 minutes.

Cody Rhodes vs MVP

The match seemed to have chemistry problems at the beginning of the match, but worked into a nice flow towards the end.

MVP hits the Play of the Day at 13 minutes.

Fatal Four Way for the World Title

Jack Swagger vs. CM Punk vs Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio

Jack talks about how he won his first All American honor in this building back in 2005. Big Show locked up with Jack and Punk went after Rey. Big Show dominates most of the match. Hits his SHHH slap in the corner on both Jack and Punk. Towards the end of the match Kane comes out and lays out everyone.

Jack covers CM Punk after he is hit with the 619 by Rey at the 8 minute mark.

Big Show attacks Swagger after the match and sets up a top rope splash by Rey.

There was about 2000 in attendance.

Biggest Pop

1. Rey
2. Kofi
3. MVP

Biggest Heat

1. Punk
2. Drew
3. Swagger


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