RAW Results 5/24 – New RAW GM, Fatal 4 Way Match Set!

Jon Lovitz is on the phone with "Mr. McMahon" until Maryse comes in the room. She says she has hot photos that will win his Superstar Search later. He says he is not here to promote his new comedy club, then plugs it, and says he developed a new submission move. He says he taught Santino how to use it and you can win a match if used correctly. He then says something in French and finishes by saying, and I have millions of dollars. Maryse smiles and says she may be interested but Lovitz regects her and says no thanks Frenchie. Maryse gets pissed and snaps her hand in his face as he runs off. 

We cut to Bret Hart who is talking to someone about deserving a spot in the Fatal 4 Way match. We cut away and see its Edge, who says he deserves a one-on-one title match instead. He is arguing with Bret saying he should fight a beat up John Cena for a shot since Orton didn’t have to fight. Jericho comes in and says he is tired of getting the short end of everything and demands to be in the match. Edge and Jericho argue a bit more and Bret tells them enough, and says it will be Edge vs Jericho vs Cena tonight. If either one of them win, they are qualified for the match, but if Cena wins, neither one will get in and Bret will find someone else for the match. Edge leaves the room and Jericho tells Bret he better not make him his enemy, because he will make Bret regret taking the GM job as long as he is there. Bret says he looks forward to it as we go to a commercial. 

When we return, Maryse and Alicia Fox are waiting in the ring. Eve Torres and Gail Kim come out next as the opponents in this Divas tag team match.   

Maryse & Alicia Fox vs Eve Torres & Gail Kim

Gail gets a quick roll up and Maryse blind tags in and kicks her to break up the pin. Eve tags in and kicks away at Maryse and hits a neckbreaker for two. Eve hits a standing moonsault but Alicia Fox breaks up the pin then Alicia kicks Eve in the head. Maryse takes this oppportunity to hit the French Kiss and pins the Divas champion.

Winners – Maryse & Alicia Fox


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