RAW Results 5/24 – New RAW GM, Fatal 4 Way Match Set!

Miz comes out with a mic and says R-Truth always asks what’s up and he has the answer. What’s up is that The Miz is taking back what never should have been taken from him because he’s The Miz and he’s awesome!

Vacant United States Championship
R-Truth vs The Miz

Truth hits a dropkick off the ropes then rolls up Miz for two. Miz bails to outside to recover as we go to a commercial. When we come back,  Miz is in control and rams Truth into the apron. He rolls Truth back in and goes to work on Truth’s arm. Miz kicks him in the back and stretches his arm across the middle rope. Truth tries to fight back but Miz whips him into the ropes and kicks him right in the shoulder. Miz puts Truth in the tree of woe in the corner and tries to stomp Truth in the groin but the ref stops him and Truth uses this opportunity to throw Miz off the turnbuckle. Truth punches away at Miz until the ref pulls him away then flapjacks Miz and hits a dropkick off the middle turnbuckle. Truth goes up top and hits a crossbody but Miz rolls through and somehow only gets a two as Truth kicks out. Miz is pissed and Truth keeps getting near falls with rollups, then misses the axe kick. Miz tries to run at him but Truth hits the Lie Detector and gets the cover, and R-Truth is the US Champ.

Winner and NEW United States Champion – R-Truth

Backstage Josh Matthews welcomes John Cena and Cena says after his match he was exhausted. He says he never gave up and he felt good when he heard Batista say he quit. He was on Cloud 9 and then Sheamus attacked him, and it was because Sheamus wanted the belt. Cena says the toughest part of being champion is trying to keep the belt. Cena cuts his usual promo mocking someone, then puts the locker room on notice and says that he won’t accept challenges anymore because he will be making them. He says he is playing around anymore, pops his collar and says the Cenation is here.

Justin Roberts announces Jon Lovitz and Lovitz comes out with the Bella Twins for the Superstar Search. It’s basically like America’s Got Talent, but with WWE Superstars. Lovitz introduces Khali & Ranjin who are going to sing "Puttin’ on the Ritz". They look funny and are giving it a good effort but Lovitz buzzes them to eliminate them. Next is Jillian Hall and as soon as she comes out Lovitz buzzes her and the crowd loves it. Lovitz says enough with this, he knows the Superstars are only good in the ring and polls the crowd for someone with talent. Some guy comes out of the audience and says he has a talent, and he can pull his eye out of his skull. The guy pulls his "eye" out, but it’s glass and Ted DiBiase’s music hits to interrupt the segment.     

Ted comes out with Virgil and Ted says he wants the eyeball, and how much. The guy says he can’t have it, and Ted says if he can’t buy it he will beat the guy up and take it. Santino’s music hits and he says hold up, and asks Ted what’s wrong with him. He tells Ted if he doesn’t leave the "cyclops boy" alone he will apply Lovitz’s choke hold to Virgil. He does it and Virgil goes down on the mat. Ted hits Santino with Dream Street and Lovitz says he is the winner of the Superstar Contest. Ted adjusts his tie and leaves the rign with the Million Dollar Belt. 


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