TNA Impact Results 5/20: Top 10 Rankings, Angle Returns!

Rob Terry addresses his knee injury and says it is severely injured, but he is going to fight through it, and go knock Orlando Jordan’s teeth out. Orlando Jordan is on the catwalk above the ring and is lowered down on a pink rope.

Orlando Jordan vs. Rob Terry

Orlando tries to beat Terry with speed but Terry quickly overpowers him. OJ goes after the referee and then gets backbody dropped by Terry. Terry is limping around and OJ chopblocks his injured knee. OJ is working the knee and rips the padding away and snaps down on Terry’s knee repeatedly. Hebner called for the bell while Jordan had Terry in a front ankle lock and grapevine. Terry never tapped but Hebner gave the X sign and stopped the match. Jordan wouldn’t break the hold and all the referees rushed into help. Jordan broke the hold but attacked Terry again as he was being checked out by the staff and put the leg bar back on. He broke the hold again and went to the back. Terry got helped to the back by security.

Winner – No Contest?

Backstage Jay Lethal is being interviewed, and it Jay Lethal, no Black Machismo gimmick. Lethal is talking about Ric Flair and how he wasn’t trying to disrespect him. RVD walks in and thanks Lethal for having his back at Sacrifice, and says he’ll be there tonight. Lethal says wow he guesses RVD will be his partner tonight and smiles. Elsewhere, Jeff Hardy is getting ready for his match and says he always wanted to be in a match with Sting and he will finally get the chance tonight.

Jesse Neal busts into Team 3D’s locker room and wants to know what was up with Brother Ray at Sacrifice. Ray says it was an attitude adjustment and tells Shannon Moore to stay out of it. Jesse is pissed and tells Ray to keep his distance. Ray responds by slaaping Jesse and they try to fight but are separated. Jesse and Shannon leave the locker room as Ray screams at Devon that he told him something from day one.


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