TNA Impact Results 5/20: Top 10 Rankings, Angle Returns!

Beer Money vs Jay Lethal & Rob Van Dam

Roode goes after Lethal before the bells ring and Lethal hits him with a few rights and a flipping dropkick. Lethal goes up top and Storm shoves him off. Beer Money uses dirty tactics and chokes Lethal while RVD is being held back by the ref. Lethal recovers and hits a back handspring elbow and gets the tag. RVD hits Storm with a roundhouse kick and a single leg Ryder kick on Roode. Lethal blindtags in and hits the Lethal Combination on Roode and RVD hits Rolling Thunder. RVD suicide dives over the top onto Storm and Lethal locks in the figure four on Roode and makes him tap out. 

After the match Ric Flair comes out and begins to fight with Lethal on the stage. They fight their way backstage and RVD remins on the apron and looks around at the fans and then goes to celebrate with them. A guy in a Sting mask hits him with a chair and the guy takes off the mask and it is really Sting that was in the seat. He jumps the guardrail and runs at RVD and hits him in the face with the chair. Sting throws the chair down and walks to the back as the fans boo him. Jeff Hardy comes out to check on RVD. Hardy gets in the ring and says he makes his living walking to the beat of a different drum but no one really knows what’s going on in his head. He grew up idolizing Sting and now he’s in TNA with him. He dares for Sting to figure out before the show is over what’s in his mind now and says he and his creatures of the night will take him beyond his wildest imagination.

Winner – Jay Lethal & RVD

Backstage a guy knocks on Desmond Wolfe’s locker room and says it’s time. Chelsea is crying and Wolfe threatens the security not to harm her or they’ll answer to him. He asks if they like doing this, and if they enjoy making girls do things they don’t want to do.  

Abyss comes out next and says Desmond Wolfe has something, or someone, he owes him, so let’s get this done now. Chelsea is reluctantly brought to the ring as Desmond Wolfe is furious and yelling at security. Abyss says it’s quite ironic because at Sacrifice he made Wolfe his bitch, but tonight he’s taking Wolfe’s away from him. Wolfe that was a zinger, and says what we have is a sense of false security. Wolfe says if he thinks Abyss is taking her he’s sorely mistaken and is taking her over his dead body. He takes out security and hits Abyss with a low blow. He takes a bottle out of Chelsea’s bag and breaks it on the ringpost. He uses the jagged bottle to cut Abyss and his arm is bleeding alot. Chelsea is upset and thinks it’s too much. Abyss uses the opportunity to hit Desmond with the Black Hole Slam and he puts Chelsea on his shoulder and leaves with her.