WWE NXT Results (5/18): Daniel Bryan Attacks Michael Cole!

We are back and Michael Tarver and Daniel Bryan are in the ring with Matt Striker. Matt reminds us that their eliminations were controversial and we go to the video tape.

Matt asks them for their feelings about the eliminations. Michael goes first and he says that he was told that it would be judged by a pro’s poll. However, he was eliminated by WWE Management. He wants to know who WWE Management is. It is a bunch of easily intimidated pencil pushers. They did not have the guts to eliminate him face to face. Striker mentions Tarver’s actions and comments. Tarver says that if there were eight limos that were the same color except one, which one would you notice. Tarver says that he was told to make it, you have to be different. Tarver says that he was revolutionary and he showed it during the competition.

Matt interrupts Tarver and then turns his attention to Daniel Bryan. Did Bryan say that he should be eliminated. Daniels say that it was true but the truth is that he was eliminated by management and not the pros. When he came to WWE, he learned about the politics and how Vince likes the big guys and the guys they made themselves. Daniel says that he is a self made man who was not created by the WWE machine. He thinks they want a guy who will make the most money. They need to find the best people for this job and he is the best person for this job. Matt wants to know if Bryan eliminated himself with his comments. Bryan says that Matt should know better and he says that he does not have to tell anyone that he is better than everyone. He tells Chris Jericho and William Regal that he showed them in the ring. He tells the Miz that he is better than him.

The Miz calls Bryan an indy star while Miz say that he was the first person to win the United States and Tag Titles at the same time. Bryan tells Miz to come to the ring and prove it if he thinks he is so good. Bryan tells Striker that he is not tired of being interrupted by Matt Striker. Bryan says that there is one person who says that he doesn’t have any personality or the ‘it factor’. He says that Cole is a parrot who is told what to say by Vince McMahon. Bryan says that Cole is a poor man’s JR and then he slaps and hits Cole. Striker and referees try to keep Bryan from him. We go to commercial.


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