WWE NXT Results (5/18): Daniel Bryan Attacks Michael Cole!

WWE NXT Results: 5/18/10

Results Courtesy of PWInsider.com

We begin tonight’s show with a look back at the bloodletting of three rookies. Who goes home tonight?

We are live on tape from Kanata, Ontario, Canada and your announcers are Josh ‘Can I announce a match at the pay per view’ Mathews and Michael ‘Why are they calling me Charles Logan tonight’ Cole. Your host is Matt ‘My Favorite Cricket’ Striker.

Matt Striker is on the stage and he brings out six of the pros instead of the rookies. Striker reminds us that one rookie was eliminated because of the Pro’s Poll and another one goes home through the same procedure. Matt wants to know what the pros are looking for from the rookies. Miz says that he is looking for someone to gain a larger audience than WWE already has. He wants to know that the person will want you to watch when you flip through the dial. Regal says that he is looking for adaptability for each situation. He says that he can be funny one moment and then in someone’s face the next. He says that you need in ring skills as well as a personality. CM Punk says that he would love to explain what he looks for but he says that he does not need to speak here because he has lost his appetite and his will to be in front of the people. Christian says that he is looking for someone who will capture the imagination of the WWE Universe. Someone who will take this competition for himself. He says that he is looking for someone to show ‘it’. He says that he saw ‘it’ from some. Regal wants to know when Christian will show him ‘it’.

Matt Hardy says that he is looking for someone who has the potential to be the complete package. They need to be able to wrestle, to talk, and have ‘it’. They need to be able to survive in the locker room. Chris Jericho is the last one and he says that he is looking for somebody to make him want to pay money to see them. Jericho says that with one exception there is not one rookie who he would want to part with his money to see in the ring.